Monday, November 28, 2016

Programming Challenge 4.27 - Mobile Service Provider Mod Two

/* Mobile Service Provider Mod Two - A mobile phone service has three different
subscription packages for its customers:

* Package A:    For $39.99 per month 450 minutes are provided. Additional minutes are
$0.45 per minute.
* Package B: For $59.99 per month 900 minutes are provided. Additional minutes are
$0.40 per minute.
* Package C: For $69.99 per month unlimited minutes provided.

This program calculates a customer's monthly bill. It asks which package the
customer has purchased and how many minutes were used. It then displays the
total amount due.


Rev 1: This program displays how much money Package A customers would save, if they
purchased Package B or C, and how much money Package B customers would save, if they
purchased Package C. If there would be no savings, no message will be printed.

All calculations are based on the assumption, that a customer constantly makes calls
totaling to a lower amount of minutes than is included in their respective package,
to suggest to switch to a smaller package. This only applies to a switch from package
C to B, and, in case, from B to A if this promises savings.


Rev 2: Months with 30 days have 720 hours, and months with 31 days have 744 hours.
February, with 28 days, has 672 hours. The number of minutes can be calculated in a
month by multiplying its number of hours by 60.

This program enhances the input validation by asking the customer for the month (by
name), and validates that the number of minutes entered is not more than the maximum
for the entire month.

The following table shows months, number of days and number of hours:

Month            Days            Hours            Month            Days        Hours
January            31                744                July            31            744
February            28                672                August            31            744
March            31                744                September        30            720
April            30                720                October            31            744
May                31                744                November        30            720
June                30                720                December        31            744 */

#include "Utility.h"

int main()
    /* Rev 2: Constants for days in month */
    const int THIRTY_DAYS = 30,
        THIRTYONE_DAYS = 31,
        TWENTYEIGHT_DAYS = 28;

    /* Constants for provided minutes for package A and B

    Rev 1: minutes calc is added for calculation purposes and initialized with a
    value of 1440 minutes equaling 24 hrs. */
    const int MINUTES_PACKAGE_A = 450,
        MINUTES_PACKAGE_B = 900,
        MINUTES_CALC = 1440;

    /* Constants for base cost for packages A, B, and C */
    const double BASE_COST_PACKAGE_A = 39.99,
        BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B = 59.99,
        BASE_COST_PACKAGE_C = 69.99;

    /* Constants for additional cost per minute for package A and B */
    const double ADD_COST_PACKAGE_A = 0.45,
        ADD_COST_PACKAGE_B = 0.40;

    /* Constant for maximum number of minutes for input valdiation purposes */
    const int MAX_NUM_MINUTES = 59;

    /* Constants for subscription package menu choices */
    const int PACKAGE_A = 1,
        PACKAGE_B = 2,
        PACKAGE_C = 3,
        QUIT = 4;

    /* Hold menu choice for switch case statement */
    int choice = 0;

    /* Hold base cost and total cost for calculations
    Rev 1: savings, totalSavings, and premium savings */
    double totalCost = 0,
        savings = 0,
        totalSavings = 0,
        premiumSavings = 0;

    /* Hold number of hours, number of minutes, number of minutes extra, and
    total call length */
    int numHours = 0,
        numMinutes = 0,
        numMinutesExtra = 0,
        totalCallLength = 0;

    /* Rev 2: Hold month name */
    string monthName = " ";

    /* Rev 2: Hold month, hours in month, and minutes in month */
    int month = 0,
        hoursInMonth = 0,
        minutesInMonth = 0;

    /* Rev 2: Determine how many minutes a month has, based on the number of days in
    a month */
    if (monthName == "January" || monthName == "March" || monthName == "May" ||
        monthName == "July" || monthName == "August" || monthName == "October" ||
        monthName == "December")
        hoursInMonth = 744;
        minutesInMonth = (hoursInMonth * 60);
    else if (monthName == "April" || monthName == "June" || monthName == "September" ||
        monthName == "November")
        hoursInMonth = 720;
        minutesInMonth = (hoursInMonth * 60);
        hoursInMonth = 672;
        minutesInMonth = (hoursInMonth * 60);

    /* Display menu */
    cout << "\t\tMobile Service Provider - Phone Bill Calculator\n\n"
        << "Welcome to your personal service area. Here you can calculate the\n"
        << "total cost of your telephone bill, based on your subscription\n"
        << "package. To do so, please select your package from the menu.\n\n"
        << "1. PACKAGE A\n"
        << "2. PACKAGE B\n"
        << "3. PACKAGE C\n"
        << "4. QUIT\n\n"
        << "Please enter your choice: ";
    cin >> choice;

    /* Switch case statements */
    switch (choice)
    case 1:
        /* Display the customers menu choice and information about his or her
        subscription package */
        cout << "\nThe package you subscribed is: PACKAGE A.\n"
            << "This package costs: $" << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_A
            << " per month and includes " << MINUTES_PACKAGE_A << " minutes.\n"
            << "An additional cost of: $" << ADD_COST_PACKAGE_A << " per minute\n"
            << "will be charged if the total amount of minutes is greater than the\n"
            << "amount of minutes covered by your subscribed package.\n";

        /* Ask the customer for total length of phone calls in hours and minutes

        Rev 2: Ask the customer for the name of the month he or she is trying to query
        the cost for */
        cout << "Please enter the name of the month you wish us to process: ";
        cin >> monthName;
        cout << "Please enter the total amount of time in hours: ";
        cin >> numHours;
        cout << "And the total amount of time in minutes (min. 0 and max. 59 minutes): ";
        cin >> numMinutes;

        /* Calculations - adding the number of hours and minutes to determine
        the total length of calls in minutes for further calculations */
        numHours *= 60;
        totalCallLength = (numHours + numMinutes);

        /* Input validation */
        if (numMinutes < 0 || numMinutes > 59)
            cout << "\nYou entered an invalid amount of minutes. Please use 0 to 59 only.\n";
        /* Rev 2: Input validation - Determine whether the minutes consumed are not greater
        than the total possible number of minutes in the month the consumer entered */
        else if (totalCallLength > minutesInMonth)
            cout << "\nWe are very sorry for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process\n"
                << "your request. The most likely cause is that the number of minutes total\n"
                << "entered is greater than the total possible amount of minutes in the month\n"
                << "of: " << monthName << " that you provided. Please check your input, and\n"
                << "try again.\n\n";
        /* Determine whether the total call length is above or below 450 minutes,
        calculate and display the total cost */
        else if (totalCallLength <= MINUTES_PACKAGE_A)
            /* Display information and total cost of the phone bill */
            cout << "\nThe total length of your calls in " << monthName << " was: "
                << (numHours / 60) << " hours and " << numMinutes << " minutes.\n"
                << "You didn't use up the total amount of minutes covered by your subscription\n"
                << "package of: " << MINUTES_PACKAGE_A << " minutes this month.\n"
                << "The total number of minutes of calls is: "
                << totalCallLength << " minutes.\n\n"
                << "The total cost of your phone bill is: $" << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_A << endl;
        else if (totalCallLength > MINUTES_PACKAGE_A)
            /* Calculating the total call length and cost of calls plus extra */
            numMinutesExtra = totalCallLength - (MINUTES_PACKAGE_A);
            totalCost = BASE_COST_PACKAGE_A + (numMinutesExtra * ADD_COST_PACKAGE_A);

            /* Display information about minutes used, extra minutes not included in
            the subscribed package, and total cost of the phone bill */
            cout << "\nThe total length of your calls in " << monthName << " was: "
                << (numHours / 60) << " hours and " << numMinutes << " minutes.\n"
                << "The total call length in minutes was: \t" << totalCallLength
                << " minutes.\n\n"
                << "You used up an additional amount of: " << numMinutesExtra
                << " minutes extra not covered by\n"
                << "your subscription package which only includes "
                << MINUTES_PACKAGE_A << " minutes.\n"
                << "Additional fees of $" << ADD_COST_PACKAGE_A
                << " per minute will be charged.\n\n"
                << "Base cost: $" << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_A
                << "\nPlus:       $ " << ADD_COST_PACKAGE_A << " extra.\n\n"
                << "The total cost of your phone bill is: \t$" << totalCost << endl;

        /* Rev 1: Calculation of total savings (if any) a customer would save if he or she opted
        for PACKAGE B or PACKAGE C. If there are any savings to be made, additional
        output indicating the ideal package is displayed */
        if (totalCallLength > MINUTES_PACKAGE_B && totalCallLength < MINUTES_CALC)
            numMinutesExtra = totalCallLength - (MINUTES_PACKAGE_B);
            savings = BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B + (numMinutesExtra * ADD_COST_PACKAGE_B);
            totalSavings = (totalCost - savings);

            cout << "\n\nIf you would opt for a subscription of PACKAGE B, you would be able\n"
                << "to make some real savings!\n\n"
                << "PACKAGE B would only cost: $" << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B
                << " per month and includes " << MINUTES_PACKAGE_B << " minutes.\n"
                << "An additional cost of: $" << ADD_COST_PACKAGE_B << " per minute "
                << "would be charged if the total\n"
                << "amount of minutes is greater than the amount of minutes covered.\n\n"
                << "This month you would only have had to pay: $" << savings
                << " with PACKAGE B.\n"
                << "The total savings would have been as much as: $" << totalSavings << endl;

        /* Rev 1: Calculating the savings and displaying the cost saved if a customer were
        to opt for a subscription of PACKAGE C instead of B if this is a cost saving option */
        if (totalCallLength > MINUTES_CALC && totalCallLength < minutesInMonth)
            numMinutesExtra = totalCallLength - (MINUTES_PACKAGE_B);
            savings = BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B + (numMinutesExtra * ADD_COST_PACKAGE_B);
            totalSavings = (totalCost - savings);
            premiumSavings = (totalCost - BASE_COST_PACKAGE_C);

            cout << "\n\nDear customer! Judging by the total length of your "
                << "phone calls of: " << totalCallLength << " minutes,\n"
                << "we would like to suggest you switch to a subscription of PACKAGE C.\n"
                << "\nThis month you would have had to pay as much as as: $" << savings
                << " with PACKAGE B.\n"
                << "Which would have amounted to a saving of only: $" << totalSavings
                << "\n\nWith our premium package you would only have had to pay: $" << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_C
                << " only once!\n"

                << "The premium savings would amount to: $" << premiumSavings << "!\n\n";

    case 2:
        /* Display the customers menu choice and information about his or her
        subscription package    */
        cout << "\nThe package you subscribed is: PACKAGE B.\n"
            << "This package costs: $ " << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B
            << " per month and includes " << MINUTES_PACKAGE_B << " minutes.\n"
            << "An additional cost of: $" << ADD_COST_PACKAGE_B << " per minute\n"
            << "will be charged if the total amount of minutes is greater than the\n"
            << "amount of minutes covered by your subscribed package.\n";

        /* Ask the customer for total length of phone calls in hours and minutes

        Rev 2: Ask the customer for the name of the month he or she is trying to query
        the cost for */
        cout << "Please enter the name of the month you wish us to process: ";
        cin >> monthName;
        cout << "\nPlease enter the total amount of time in hours: ";
        cin >> numHours;
        cout << "And the total amount of time in minutes (min. 0 and max. 59 minutes): ";
        cin >> numMinutes;

        /* Calculations */
        numHours *= 60;
        totalCallLength = (numHours + numMinutes);

        /* Input validation */
        if (numMinutes < 0 || numMinutes > 59)
            cout << "You entered an invalid amount of minutes. Please use 0 to 59 only.\n";

        /* Rev 2: Input validation - Determine whether the minutes consumed are not greater
        than the total possible number of minutes in the month the consumer entered */
        else if (totalCallLength > minutesInMonth)
            cout << "\nWe are very sorry for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process\n"
                << "your request. The most likely cause is that the number of minutes total\n"
                << "entered is greater than the total possible amount of minutes in the month\n"
                << "of: " << monthName << " that you provided. Please check your input, and\n"
                << "try again.\n\n";
        /* Determine whether the total call length is above or below 900 minutes, calculate
        and display the cost */
        else if (totalCallLength <= MINUTES_PACKAGE_B)
            /* Display information and total cost of the phone bill */
            cout << "\nThe total length of your calls in " << monthName << " was: "
                << (numHours / 60) << " hours and " << numMinutes << " minutes.\n"
                << "You didn't use up the total amount of minutes covered by your subscription\n"
                << "package of: " << MINUTES_PACKAGE_B << " minutes this month\n"
                << "The total number of minutes of calls is: " << totalCallLength << " minutes.\n\n"
                << "The total cost of your phone bill is: $" << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B << endl;
        else if (totalCallLength > MINUTES_PACKAGE_B)
            /* Calculating the total call length and cost of calls plus extra */
            numMinutesExtra = totalCallLength - (MINUTES_PACKAGE_B);
            totalCost = BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B + (numMinutesExtra * ADD_COST_PACKAGE_B);

            /* Display information about minutes used, extra minutes not included in
            the subscribed package, and total cost of the phone bill */
            cout << "\nThe total length of your calls this month was: "
                << (numHours / 60) << " hours and " << numMinutes << " minutes.\n"
                << "You used up an additional amount of: " << numMinutesExtra
                << " minutes extra not covered by\n"
                << "your subscription package which only includes "
                << MINUTES_PACKAGE_B << " minutes.\n"
                << "Additional fees of $" << ADD_COST_PACKAGE_B
                << " per minute will be charged.\n\n"
                << "Base cost: $" << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B
                << "\nPlus:       $ " << ADD_COST_PACKAGE_B << " extra.\n\n"
                << "The total cost of your phone bill is: \t$" << totalCost << endl;

        /* Rev 1: Calculation of total savings (if any) a customer would save if he or she opted
        for PACKAGE A or PACKAGE C. If there are any savings to be made, additional
        output indicating the ideal package is displayed */
        if (totalCallLength <= MINUTES_PACKAGE_A)
            numMinutesExtra = totalCallLength - (MINUTES_PACKAGE_B);
            savings = BASE_COST_PACKAGE_A;
            totalSavings = (BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B - savings);

            cout << "\n\nIf you would opt for a subscription of PACKAGE A, you would be able\n"
                << "to make some real savings!\n\n"
                << "PACKAGE A would only cost: $" << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_A
                << " per month and includes " << MINUTES_PACKAGE_A << " minutes.\n"
                << "An additional cost of: $" << ADD_COST_PACKAGE_A << " per minute "
                << "would be charged if the total\n"
                << "amount of minutes is greater than the amount of minutes covered.\n\n"
                << "This month you would only have had to pay: $" << savings
                << " with PACKAGE A.\n"
                << "The total savings would have been as much as: $" << totalSavings << endl;

        /* Rev 1: Calculating the savings and displaying the cost saved if a customer were
        to opt for a subscription of PACKAGE C instead of B if this is a cost saving option */
        if (totalCallLength > MINUTES_CALC && totalCallLength < minutesInMonth)
            numMinutesExtra = totalCallLength - (MINUTES_PACKAGE_B);
            savings = BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B + (numMinutesExtra * ADD_COST_PACKAGE_B);
            totalSavings = (totalCost - savings);
            premiumSavings = (totalCost - BASE_COST_PACKAGE_C);

            cout << "\n\nDear customer! Judging by the total length of your "
                << "phone calls of: " << totalCallLength << " minutes,\n"
                << "we would like to suggest you switch to a subscription of PACKAGE C.\n"
                << "\nThis month you would have had to pay as much as as: $" << savings
                << " with PACKAGE B.\n"
                << "Which would have amounted to a saving of only: $" << totalSavings
                << "\n\nWith our premium package you would only have had to pay: $" << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_C
                << " only once!\n"

                << "The premium savings would amount to: $" << premiumSavings << "!\n\n";

    case 3:
        /* Display the customers menu choice and information about his or her
        subscription package    */
        cout << "\nThe package you subscribed is: PACKAGE C.\n"
            << "This package costs: $ " << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_C
            << " which includes an unlimited amount of minutes.\n"
            << "No additional costs will be charged.\n";

        /* Ask the customer for total length of phone calls in hours and minutes

        Rev 2: Ask the customer for the name of the month he or she is trying to query
        the cost for */
        cout << "Please enter the name of the month you wish us to process: ";
        cin >> monthName;
        cout << "\nPlease enter the total amount of time in hours: ";
        cin >> numHours;
        cout << "And the total amount of time in minutes (min. 0 and max. 59 minutes): ";
        cin >> numMinutes;

        /* Calculations */
        numHours *= 60;
        totalCallLength = (numHours + numMinutes);

        /* Input validation */
        if (numMinutes < 0 || numMinutes > 59)
            cout << "\nYou entered an invalid amount of minutes. Please use 0 to 59 only.\n";
        /* Rev 2: Input validation - Determine whether the minutes consumed are not greater
        than the total possible number of minutes in the month the consumer entered */
        else if (totalCallLength > minutesInMonth)
            cout << "\nWe are very sorry for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process\n"
                << "your request. The most likely cause is that the number of minutes total\n"
                << "entered is greater than the total possible amount of minutes in the month\n"
                << "of: " << monthName << " that you provided. Please check your input, and\n"
                << "try again.\n\n";
        /* Determine whether the total call length and display the cost */
            /* Display information and total cost of the phone bill */
            cout << "\nThe total length of your calls this month was: "
                << (numHours / 60) << " hours and " << numMinutes << " minutes.\n"
                << "You have an unlimited amount of minutes covered by your subscription.\n"
                << "The total number of minutes of calls is: " << totalCallLength << " minutes.\n\n"
                << "The total cost of your phone bill is: $" << BASE_COST_PACKAGE_C << endl;

        if (totalCallLength < MINUTES_CALC || totalCallLength <= MINUTES_PACKAGE_B)
            /* Rev 1: Calculating the savings and displaying the cost saved if a customer were
            to opt for a subscription of PACKAGE B if this is a cost saving option */
            savings = BASE_COST_PACKAGE_B;
            totalSavings = (BASE_COST_PACKAGE_C - savings);

            cout << "\n\nDear customer! Judging by the total length of your "
                << "phone calls of: " << totalCallLength << " minutes,\n"
                << "we would like to suggest you switch to a subscription of PACKAGE B.\n"
                << "\nThis month you would have had to pay as much as as: $" << savings
                << " with PACKAGE B.\n"
                << "Which would amount to a saving of: $" << totalSavings << endl;

    case 4:
        /* Displaying a quit message */
        cout << "\nYou decided to quit the program. Thank you for your patronage!\n";

        /* If the menu choice is invalid and error message is displayed    */
        cout << "\nDear customer, you entered an invalid menu choice. Please choose 1 through 3, or\n"
            << "4 to quit this program. Thanks for your understanding.\n";

    return 0;

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