Thursday, November 24, 2016

Programming Challenge 4.21 - Speed Of Sound In Gases

/* Speed Of Sound In Gases - When sound travels through a gas, its speed
   depends primarily on the density of the medium. The less dense the
   medium, the faster the speed will be. The following table shows the
   approximate speed of sound at 0° centigrade, measured in m/sec, when
   traveling through carbon dioxide, air, helium, and hydrogen.
   Medium                    Speed (mp/s)
   Carbon Dioxide            258.0
   Air                        331.5
   Helium                    972.0
   Hydrogen                    1,270.0

   This program displays a menu allowing the user to select one of these
   four gases. After a selection has been made, the user should enter the
   number of seconds it took for the sound to travel in this medium from
   its source to the location at which it was detected. The program then
   reports how far away (in meters) the source of the sound was from the
   detection location.
   Input validation: The user can only select among the available menu
   choices. Times less than 0 seconds or more than 30 seconds are not
   allowed. */

#include "Utility.h"

int main()
    /* Constants for speed */
    const double CARBON_DIOXIDE_MPS = 258.0,
        AIR_MPS = 331.0,
        HELIUM_MPS = 972.0,
        HYDROGEN_MPS = 1270.0;

    /* Constants for menu choices */
    const int CARBON_DIOXIDE = 1,
        AIR = 2,
        HELIUM = 3,
        HYDROGEN = 4,
        QUIT = 5;

    /* Hold speed in seconds, distance of the source, and distancec
       of the destination */
    double speedSeconds = 0,
        distance = 0;

    /* Hold menu choice */
    int choice;

    /* Displaying the menu */
    cout << "\t\tSpeed Of Sound In Gases\n\n"
        << "Selecet a medium from the menu through which the speed of "
        << "sound should travel.\n"
        << "Then enter a speed in seconds. I will then tell you how far the "
        << "source of the\n"
        << "sound was apart from the point it was detected.\n\n"
        << "1. CARBON DYOXIDE\n"
        << "2. AIR\n"
        << "3. HELIUM\n"
        << "4. HYDROGEN\n"
        << "5. QUIT\n";
    cin >> choice;

    /* Format the output */
    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

        switch (choice)
        case 1:
            /* Display the choice the user has made and ask for speed in
               seconds */
            cout << "\t\t1. CARBON DIOXIDE\n\n";
            cout << "Enter speed in seconds (1 through 30): ";
            cin >> speedSeconds;

            /* Calculations */
            distance = (CARBON_DIOXIDE_MPS * speedSeconds);

            /* Validate input and display result */
            if (speedSeconds < 1 || speedSeconds > 30)
                cout << "You entered an invalid amount of time!\n"
                     << "Only 1 through 30 seconds are allowed.\n";
                cout << "\nThe distance from the source of sound and the"
                    << "location of\n"
                    << "detection in a time of " << speedSeconds
                    << " sec. is: " << distance << "m.\n";

        case 2:
            cout << "\t\t2. AIR\n\n"
                << "Enter speed in seconds (1 through 30): ";
            cin >> speedSeconds;

            distance = (AIR_MPS * speedSeconds);

            if (speedSeconds < 1 || speedSeconds > 30)
                cout << "You entered an invalid amount of time!\n"
                    << "Only 1 through 30 seconds are allowed.\n";
                cout << "\nThe distance from the source of sound and the"
                    << "location of\n"
                    << "detection in a time of " << speedSeconds
                    << " sec. is: " << distance << "m.\n";

        case 3:
            cout << "\t\t3. HELIUM\n\n"
                << "Enter speed in seconds (1 through 30): ";
            cin >> speedSeconds;

            distance = (HELIUM_MPS * speedSeconds);

            if (speedSeconds < 1 || speedSeconds > 30)
                cout << "You entered an invalid amount of time!\n"
                    << "Only 1 through 30 seconds are allowed.\n";
                cout << "\nThe distance from the source of sound and the"
                    << "location of\n"
                    << "detection in a time of " << speedSeconds
                    << " sec. is: " << distance << "m.\n";

        case 4:
            cout << "\t\t4. HYDROGEN\n\n"
                << "Enter the speed in seconds (1 through 30): ";
            cin >> speedSeconds;

            distance = (HYDROGEN_MPS * speedSeconds);

            if (speedSeconds < 1 || speedSeconds > 30)
                cout << "You entered an invalid amount of time!\n"
                    << "Only 1 through 30 seconds are allowed.\n";
                cout << "\nThe distance from the source of sound and the"
                    << "location of\n"
                    << "detection in a time of " << speedSeconds
                    << " sec. is: " << distance << "m.\n";

        case 5:
            cout << "Bye, bye!\n";

            cout << "Invalid choice! Valid choices are 1 through 4, or 5 "
                 << "to quit.\n";

    return 0;

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