Sunday, January 29, 2017

Programming Challenge 7.5 - Monkey Business

/* Monkey Business - A local zoo wants to keep track of how many pounds
   of food each of its three monkeys eats each day during a typical week.

   This program stores this information in a two-dimensional 3 x 5 array,
   where each row represents a different monkey and each column represents
   a different day of the week.

   First the user has to input the data for each monkey. Then the program
   creates a report that includes the following information:

      * The average amount of food eaten per day by the whole family of
      * The least amount of food eaten during the week by any one monkey
      * The greatest amount of food eaten during the week by any one monkey

   Input Validation: No negative numbers for pounds of food eaten are
   accepted. */

#include "Utility.h"

/* Constants: Global constant number of monkeys,
              Global constant number of weekdays */
const int G_CONST_MONKEYS = 3;
const int G_CONST_DAYS = 5;

/* Prototypes: Get pounds, Get average amount, Get largest amount,
               Get smallest amount, Show data */
void getPounds(double[][G_CONST_DAYS], const string[], const string[]);
void getAverageAmount(double[G_CONST_DAYS], const double[][G_CONST_DAYS]);
void getLargestAmount(double [G_CONST_DAYS], const double [][G_CONST_DAYS]);
void getSmallestAmount(double [G_CONST_DAYS], const double [][G_CONST_DAYS]);
void showData(const double[][G_CONST_DAYS], const double[], const double[],
              const double [], const string[], const string[]);

int main()
   /* Array variables: Monkey names, Day names, Pounds eaten,
                       Average eaten, Largest, Smallest */
   const string monkeyNames[G_CONST_MONKEYS] = { "Sora", "Yuki", "Hana" };
   const string dayNames[G_CONST_DAYS] = { "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri" };

   double poundsEaten[G_CONST_MONKEYS][G_CONST_DAYS] = { {0.0} };
   double averageEaten[G_CONST_DAYS] = { 0.0 };
   double largest[G_CONST_DAYS] = { 0.0 };
   double smallest[G_CONST_DAYS] = { 0.0 };

   /* Display: Introduction */
   cout << "\t\tMirano Zoo - Monkey Valley - Feeding Statistics\n\n";

   /* Call: getPounds, getAverage, getLarestAmount, getSmallestAmount,
            showData */
   getPounds(poundsEaten, dayNames, monkeyNames);
   getAverageAmount(averageEaten, poundsEaten);
   getLargestAmount(largest, poundsEaten);
   getSmallestAmount(smallest, poundsEaten);
   showData(poundsEaten, averageEaten, largest,
            smallest, dayNames, monkeyNames);

   return 0;

/* **********************************************************
   Defintion: getPounds

   This function accepts three arrays:

      * poundsEaten[][]
      * dayNames[]
      * monkeyNames[]

   It collects the amount eaten by each monkey on every day
   of the week. The result is stored in poundsEaten[][].
   ********************************************************** */

void getPounds(double poundsEaten[][G_CONST_DAYS], const string dayNames[],
               const string monkeyNames[])
   /* Variables: Input control, Days, Monkeys (loop counters) */
   int inpCtrl = 0,
       days = 0,
       monkeys = 0;

   /* Get: Amount eaten by any one monkey on any one weekday */
   for (monkeys = 0; monkeys < G_CONST_MONKEYS; monkeys++)
      cout << "" << monkeyNames[monkeys] << ":\n";
      for (days = 0; days < G_CONST_DAYS; days++)
         cout << "" << dayNames[days] << "\t" << " pounds: ";
         cin >> poundsEaten[monkeys][days];

         /* This loop takes care of the input validation. If the user
            enters a value lower than or equal to null, he or she is
            informed about this failure, and asked to repeat the input
            as many times as necessary until a positive value is entered */
         for (inpCtrl = 0; poundsEaten[monkeys][days] <= 0; inpCtrl++)
            cout << "\nInput Failure: The amount of pounds eaten you entered\n"
                 << "was negative and can not be accepted. All input has to\n"
                 << "be positive. Ex.: 0.2, 1.25 ...\n"
                 << "" << dayNames[days] << "\t" << " pounds: ";
            cin >> poundsEaten[monkeys][days];
      cout << endl;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getAverageAmount

   This function accepts two arrays as arguments:

      * average[]
      * poundsEaten[][]

   It finds and stores the average amount eaten by the family
   of monkeys during the week, and stores the found values in
   ********************************************************** */

void getAverageAmount(double average[G_CONST_DAYS],
                      const double poundsEaten[][G_CONST_DAYS])
   /* Variable: Total (accumulator) */
   double total = 0.0;

   /* Variables: Days, Monkeys (loop counters) */
   int days = 0,
       monkeys = 0;

   for (days = 0; days < G_CONST_DAYS; days++)
      /* Reset: average[], total */
      average[days] = 0.0;
      total = 0.0;

      /* The total amount of food for each day of the week is
         accumulated by total, and average[] determines and
         stores the average for all three monkeys for each
         day of the week */
      for (monkeys = 0; monkeys < G_CONST_MONKEYS; monkeys++)
         total += poundsEaten[monkeys][days];
         average[days] = total / G_CONST_MONKEYS;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getLargestAmount

   This function accepts two arrays as arguments:
      * largest[]
      * poundsEaten[][]
   It determines the largest amount eaten by each monkey and
   stores the result in the array.
   ********************************************************** */

void getLargestAmount(double largest[G_CONST_DAYS],
                      const double poundsEaten[][G_CONST_DAYS])
   /* Variable: larger (accumulator) */
   double larger = poundsEaten[G_CONST_MONKEYS][0];

   /* Variables: Days, Monkeys (loop counters) */
   int days = 0,
       monkeys = 0;

   /* These loops determine the largest amount eaten by
      each monkey during the whole week */
   for (monkeys = 0; monkeys < G_CONST_MONKEYS; monkeys++)
      /* Reset: larger */ 
      larger = 0.0;

      /* When a value larger than poundsEaten[][0] is found,
         larger gets this value and passes it to largest[monkeys]
         which stores the three largest amounts eaten by each
         monkey during the whole week */
      for (days = 0; days < G_CONST_DAYS; days++)
         if (larger < poundsEaten[monkeys][days])
            larger = poundsEaten[monkeys][days];
            largest[monkeys] = larger;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getSmallestAmount

   This function accepts two arrays as arguments:
      * smallest[]
      * poundsEaten[][]
   It determines the smallest amount eaten by each monkey and
   stores the result in the array.
   ********************************************************** */

void getSmallestAmount(double smallest[G_CONST_DAYS],
                       const double poundsEaten[][G_CONST_DAYS])
   /* Variable: smaller (initialized to poundsEaten[][0]) */
   double smaller = poundsEaten[G_CONST_MONKEYS][0];

   /* Variables: Days, Monkeys (loop counters) */
   int days = 0,
       monkeys = 0;

   /* These loops determine the smallest amount eaten by
      each monkey during the whole week */
   for (monkeys = 0; monkeys < G_CONST_MONKEYS; monkeys++)
       /* Variable: smaller (accumulator) */
       double smaller = poundsEaten[G_CONST_MONKEYS][0];
      /* Reset: smaller */
      smaller = poundsEaten[monkeys][0];

      /* When a value smaller than poundsEaten[][0] is found,
         smaller gets this value and passes it to smallest[days]
         which stores the three smallest amounts eaten by each
         monkey during the whole week. */
      for (days = 0; days < G_CONST_DAYS; days++)
         if (poundsEaten[monkeys][days] < smaller)
            smaller = poundsEaten[monkeys][days];
            smallest[monkeys] = smaller;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: showData

   This function accepts six arrays as arguments:

      * poundsEaten[][]
      * average[]
      * largest[]
      * smallest[]
      * dayNames[]
      * monkeyNames[]

   It summarizes what each monkey has eaten, the average
   amount eaten by the whole family of monkeys, the largest
   and smallest amount eaten by each individual member of the
   monkey family.
   ********************************************************** */

void showData(const double poundsEaten[][G_CONST_DAYS], const double average[],
              const double largest[], const double smallest[],
              const string dayNames[], const string monkeyNames[])
   /* Variables: Days, Monkeys (loop counters)*/
   int days = 0,
       monkeys = 0;

   /* Set up: Numeric output formatting */
   cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

   /* Display: Total amount eaten, Average amount eaten,
               Largest Amount eaten, Smallest amount eaten */
   cout << "\tTotal Amount Eaten:\n"
        << "\t-------------------\n";
   for (monkeys = 0; monkeys < G_CONST_MONKEYS; monkeys++)
      cout << "\n" << monkeyNames[monkeys] << ":\n";
      cout << "----------------------------------------------"
           << "-------------------\n";
      for (days = 0; days < G_CONST_DAYS; days++)
         cout << "" << dayNames[days] << ":"
              << setw(5) << right << poundsEaten[monkeys][days]
              << setw(5) << right;       
      cout << "\n----------------------------------------------"
         << "-------------------\n";
   cout << "\n\tAverage Amount Eaten:\n"
        << "\t--------------------\n";
   for (days = 0; days < G_CONST_DAYS; days++)
         cout << "\n" << setw(6) << left << dayNames[days] << ": "
              << setw(25) << right << average[days]
              << setw(5) << right << " lbs";

   cout << "\n\n\tLargest Amount Eaten:\n"
        << "\t--------------------\n";
   for (monkeys = 0; monkeys < G_CONST_MONKEYS; monkeys++)
      cout << "\n" << setw(6) << left << monkeyNames[monkeys] << ": "
           << setw(25) << right << largest[monkeys]
           << setw(5) << right << " lbs";

   cout << "\n\n\tSmallest Amount Eaten:\n"
        << "\t--------------------\n";
   for (monkeys = 0; monkeys < G_CONST_MONKEYS; monkeys++)
      cout << "\n" << setw(6) << left << monkeyNames[monkeys] << ": "
           << setw(25) << right << smallest[monkeys]
           << setw(5) << right << " lbs";

Example Output:

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