Monday, January 2, 2017

Programming Challenge 6.3 - Winning Division

/* Winning Division - This program determines which of a company's four
   divisions (Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest) had the
   greatest sales for a quarter. It includes the following two functions
   which are called by main.

   * double getSales()

   * void findHighest()

   Input Validation: No dollar amounts less than $0.00 are accepted. */

#include "Utility.h"

/* Prototypes: Get sales, Find highest */
   double getSales(double, string);
   void findHighest(double, double, double, double);

int main()
   /* Variables: Divisions (North-East, South-East,
   North-West, South-West) */
   double divisionNE = 0.0,
          divisionSE = 0.0,
          divisionNW = 0.0,
          divisionSW = 0.0;

   /* Display: Information */
   cout << "\t\tIshikawa Fruit Company - Winning Sales Division\n\n"
        << "Every year we determine our winning sales division based\n"
        << "on the highest total sales figures per quarter. Enter\n"
        << "the sales figures for each of our four divisions, to\n"
        << "find out which division has won in this quarter.\n\n";

   /* Call: getSales (NE, SE, NW, SW) */
   divisionNE = getSales(divisionNE, "Division North-East");
   divisionSE = getSales(divisionSE, "Division South-East");
   divisionNW = getSales(divisionNW, "Division North-West");
   divisionSW = getSales(divisionSW, "Division South-West");

   /* Call: getHighest */
   findHighest(divisionNE, divisionSE, divisionNW, divisionSW);

   return 0;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getSales

   getSales is passed the name of a division. It asks the user
   for a division's quarterly sales figure, validates the input,
   then returns it. It is called once for each division.
   ********************************************************** */

double getSales(double salesTotal, string regionName)
   /* Get: Sales total */
   cout << "Sales Total " << regionName << "$ ";
   cin >> salesTotal;

   /* Validation: While salesTotal is 0 or negative, a message
   is displayed asking the user to repeat his or her
   input */
   while (salesTotal <= 0)
      cout << "\nThe value you entered for sales total could\n"
           << "not be accepted because it was 0 or negative.\n"
           << "Please repeat your input: ";
      cin >> salesTotal;

   return salesTotal;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: findHighest

   findHighest is passed the four sales totals. It determines
   which is the largest and prints the name of the high grossing
   division, along with its sales figure.
   ********************************************************** */

void findHighest(double highNE, double highSE,
                 double highNW, double highSW)
   /* Variable: Highest, initialized to highNE for comparison */
   double highest = highNE;

   /* Variable: Region name */
   string divisionName = " ";

   /* Conditional Statements Tier 1: Determine which division has
      had the highest sales this quarter */
   highest = highSE > highest ? highSE : highest;
   highest = highNW > highest ? highNW : highest;
   highest = highSW > highest ? highSW : highest;

   /* Conditional Statements Tier 2: Assign the division names */
   divisionName = highNE == highest ? "North-East Division" : divisionName;
   divisionName = highSE == highest ? "South-East Division" : divisionName;
   divisionName = highNW == highest ? "North-West Division" : divisionName;
   divisionName = highSW == highest ? "South-West Division" : divisionName;

   /* Set up: Numeric output formatting */
   cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

   /* Display: The company division with the highest sales */
      cout << "\nY. Sato, our most honorable Company President is proud\n"
           << "to proclaim our successful " << divisionName
           << " with a\n"
           << "Sales Total of: $" << highest
           << " the winner of this quarter's\n"
           << "Grand Prize in our traditional sales competition!\n";

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