Saturday, December 24, 2016

Switching language

Als erstes möchte ich all meinen Besucherinnen und Besuchern Frohe Weihnachten, Merry Christimas, Joyeux Noël, Jwaye Nwèl, Geseënde Kersfees, メリークリスマス ... (Meri kurisumasu for those of you who happen not to speak, and/or understand, Japanese) wünschen.

That said, the small number of blog posts not consisting of code were posted in german (if you haven't guessed.) Since most of my visitors are from the U.S. (or other english speaking countries) , i decided to switch to 日本語 (Nihongo - Japanese language), so you be totally left in the dark what exactly i write here, or will in my source code comments. (joking of course).

As of now i will keep posting in English, to annoy the world with my ramblings about this and that, and all the other things. ;)

Before publishing this post, i think it is also about time to thank those kind souls who took the time to give my posts +'s, Thank you, 本当にありがとうございます。 (Truly appreciated!) Ok, ok, enough Japanese already! 

Have a pleasant evening, all and everyone, and check back for more (truly ugly, badly written (you be my guest and fill in some more good things that can be said about it), C++ Code. ;-)

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