Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Programming Challenge 5.5 - Membership Fees Increase

/* Membership Fees Increase - A country club, which currently charges $2,500 per
   year for membership, has announced it will increase its membership fee by 4%
   each year for the next 6 years. This program uses a loop to display the
   projected rates for the next six years. */

#include "Utility.h"

int main()
    /* Constants: Membership fee */
    const double MEMBERSHIP_FEE = 2500.00;

    /* Variable: Years (counter variable), Increase, Projected rate */
    int years = 1;
    double increasePct = .04;
    double projectedRate = 0;

    /* Display: Form Letter, Table header */
    cout << "Valued Sunnydale Country Club Member,\n\n"
         << "I would like to inform you, that our board of directors has decided\n"
         << "to increase the membership fees, currently $2.500, at a rate of 4%\n"
         << "during the next 6 years. You will find a review of the projected\n"
         << "increase in the addendum to this mail.\n\n"
         << "Thank you for your understanding and your loyalty,\n"
         << "Sincerely Yours,\n"
         << "Mori, Yuki\n\n";

    cout << "Projected Increase of Membership Fees\n\n"
         << "Year: " << "\t\t% \t\t" << " total $: \n"
         << "-----------------------------------------\n";

    /* Do while loop: Loop, while years is lower or equal to years (6) */
        /* Calculation: 2,500 + (2,500 * 4% = 100) * years (6) */
        projectedRate = MEMBERSHIP_FEE + (MEMBERSHIP_FEE * increasePct) * years;

        /* Display: Formatted output of projected increase */
        cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
        cout << years << "\t\t" << setw(5) << right << ((increasePct * years) * 100)
             << "\t\t " << projectedRate << endl;

    } while (years <= 6);

    return 0;

1 comment:

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