/* Using Files - Savings Account Balance - This program calculates the balance
of a savings account at the end of a period of time. It asks the user for
the annual interest rate, the starting balance, and the number of months that
have passed since the account was established. A loop iterates once for every
month, performing the following:
* The user is asked for the amount deposited into the account during the
month. This amount is added to the balance.
Input Validation: No negative numbers are accepted.
* The user is asked for the amount withdrawn from the account during the
month. This amount is subtracted from the balance.
Input Validation: No negative numbers are accepted.
* Calculating the monthly interest:
The monthly interest rate is the annual interest rate divided by twelve.
The monhtly interest rate is multiplied by the balance, and the result is
added to the balance.
After the last iteration, the program display the ending balance, the total
amount of deposits, the total amount of withdrawals, and the total interest
Notice: If, at any point, a negative balance is calculated, a message will
be displayed, indicating that the account has been closed and the loop will
This is a modification of the program written for Programming Challenge 5.16
The following has changed:
* After the last iteration, the program stores the final report in a file
called "FinalReport.txt". */
#include "Utility.h"
int main()
/* Update::Declare: Output file stream object variable */
ofstream finalReport;
/* Constant: Maximum annual interest rate */
const double ANNUAL_INTEREST_MAX = 15;
/* Variable: Months (counter variable), Months passed */
int months = 1,
monthsPassed = 0;
/* Variables: Starting Balance, Annual interest rate, Monthly interest
rate, Account Balance (accumulator variable), Account balance total,
Monthly deposits, Monthly deposits total, Monthly withdrawals total
(accumulator variable), Monthly balance total, (accumulator variable),
Monthly interest earned, Deposits total, Withdrawals total, Interest
earned total */
double startingBalance = 0,
annualInterestRate = 0,
accountBalance = 0,
accountBalanceTotal = 0,
monthlyInterest = 0,
interestRate = 0,
monthlyInterestRate = 0,
monthlyDeposits = 0,
monthlyDepositsTotal = 0,
monthlyWithdrawals = 0,
monthlyWithdrawalsTotal = 0,
monthlyInterestEarned = 0,
monthlyBalanceTotal = 0,
depositsTotal = 0,
withdrawalsTotal = 0,
interestEarnedTotal = 0;
/* Display: Information */
cout << "\t\tAshikaga Bank: Personal Account Balance Manager\n\n";
/* Input::Ask the user for: The starting balance of the users bank
account, the annual interest rate, the number of months have passed
since the account was established */
cout << "What was the starting balance of your account?\n"
<< "Starting Balance: $ ";
cin >> accountBalance;
/* While loop::Input Validation: As long as the starting balance entered
by the user is below or equal to 0, this loop will iterate */
while (accountBalance <= 0)
/* Display: Error message */
cout << "Error: The Starting Balance has to be a positive value.\n";
/* Ask again: */
cout << "Starting Balance: $ ";
cin >> accountBalance;
cout << "What is the annual interest rate?\n"
<< "Annual Interest Rate: % ";
cin >> annualInterestRate;
/* While loop::Input Validation: While the annual interest rate entered
by the user is below or equal to 0, or above ANNUAL_INTEREST_MAX (4.25),
this loop will iterate */
while (annualInterestRate <= 0 || annualInterestRate > ANNUAL_INTEREST_MAX)
/* Display: Error message */
cout << "Error: The Annual Interest Rate has to be a positive value\n"
<< "above 0 and below or equal to %4.25.\n";
/* Ask again: */
cout << "Starting Balance: $ ";
cin >> annualInterestRate;
cout << "How much time has passed since your account was established?\n"
<< "Months Passed: ";
cin >> monthsPassed;
/* While loop::Input Validation: While months passed entered by the user
is below or equal to 0, this loop will iterate */
while (monthsPassed <= 0)
/* Display: Error message */
cout << "Error: The amount of months passed can not be negative!\n";
/* Ask again: */
cout << "Months Passed: ";
cin >> monthsPassed;
/* For loop: As long as months is lower than or equal to months passed,
this loop will iterate */
for (months; months <= monthsPassed; months++)
/* Nested While loop: While months is smaller than or equal to
months passed, and the account balance is not negative,
this loop will iterate */
while (months <= monthsPassed && (!(accountBalance < 0)))
/* Input::Ask the user for: His or her monthly deposits, his or
her monthly withdrawals */
cout << "\nHow much money have you deposited in month " << months
<< " in total?\n"
<< "Monthly Deposit: $ ";
cin >> monthlyDeposits;
/* Nested While loop: While the customer enters a negative
number for his or her monthly deposits, this loop will
iterate */
while (monthlyDeposits < 0)
/* Display: Error message */
cout << "\nError: Monthly deposits have to be positive,\n"
<< "or above, or equal to 0, if no deposits were\n"
<< "made in the month you wish to enter data for.\n";
/* Ask again: */
cout << "\nHow much money have you deposited in month " << months
<< " in total?\n"
<< "Monthly Deposit: $ ";
cin >> monthlyDeposits;
cout << "\nHow much money have you withdrawn in month " << months
<< " in total?\n"
<< "Monthly Withdrawals: $ ";
cin >> monthlyWithdrawals;
/* Nested While loop: While the customer enters a negative
number for his or her monthly deposits, this loop will
iterate */
while (monthlyWithdrawals < 0)
/* Display: Error message */
cout << "\nError: Monthly withdrawals have to be positive,\n"
<< "or above, or equal to 0, if no withdrawals have\n"
<< "occured in the month you wish to enter data for.\n";
/* Ask again: */
cout << "\nHow much money have you withdrawn in month "
<< months << " in total?\n"
<< "Monthly Withdrawals: $ ";
cin >> monthlyWithdrawals;
/* Accumulating: Monthly deposits (add to the account balance),
Monthly withdrawals (deduct from the account balance) */
accountBalance += monthlyDeposits;
accountBalance -= monthlyWithdrawals;
/* Calculations: Monthly interest rate:
To get the fraction of the total interest rate, 4.25 = 0.0425,
the annual interest rate is divided by 100 and by the amount
of months in a year */
monthlyInterestRate = (annualInterestRate / 12.0) / 100.0;
/* Interest rate formula: Monthly interest rate = account balance *
monthly interest rate * (months passed / 12.0) / 100.0 */
interestRate = accountBalance * monthlyInterestRate *
(monthsPassed / 12.0);
monthlyInterest = accountBalance * monthlyInterestRate *
(monthsPassed / 12.0);
/* Accumulating: Total monthly deposits, Total monthly withdrawals,
Total monthly interest earned, Total monthly balance */
monthlyDepositsTotal += monthlyDeposits;
monthlyWithdrawalsTotal -= monthlyWithdrawals;
monthlyInterestEarned += monthlyInterest;
monthlyBalanceTotal = accountBalance + monthlyInterestEarned;
/* Accumulating: Total Deposits, Total withdrawals, Total
Interest Earned, Total account balance */
depositsTotal += monthlyDeposits;
withdrawalsTotal -= monthlyWithdrawals;
interestEarnedTotal += interestRate;
accountBalanceTotal = accountBalance + interestEarnedTotal;
/* If Statement: If the account balance is negative, or the
total monthly balance is negative, this statement will be
Update: One bad testing condition was removed from this if
statement, because it was triggered even though there was
no reason for it, and the other was changed so that it now
checks the monhtly withdrawals against monthly deposits
total + the account balance */
if (accountBalance < 0 || monthlyBalanceTotal < 0 ||
monthlyWithdrawals > (monthlyDepositsTotal + accountBalance))
cout << "\nValued customer,\n\n"
<< "We are utmost sorry to have to inform you about the sad\n"
<< "event, that your bank account was for some unknown reason\n"
<< "overdrawn, and had to be terminated.\n"
<< "If you wish to aquire further information about this event,\n"
<< "or you feel that this was a failure on our side or a third\n"
<< "party we have no control over, please do not hesitate to call\n"
<< "us. Our hotlines are open for you 24/7.\n"
<< "It would also be a pleasure for us, should you give us the\n"
<< "opportunity to clarify this sad situation with you personally,\n"
<< "to visit us during our regular service hours. We will see to it,\n"
<< "that this problem will be resolved to your utmost satisfaction.\n"
<< "Thank you for your understanding,\n\n"
<< "Your Ashikaga Bank Team\n";
return 0;
/* Display: Formatted monthly output of the account balance sheet */
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "\n\t\tAshikaga Bank - Monthly Account Balance Sheet\n";
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << "Month: " << months << "\n";
cout << "\nMonthly Deposits Total:\t\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< monthlyDepositsTotal << endl;
cout << "Monthly Withdrawals Total:\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< monthlyWithdrawalsTotal << endl;
cout << "Monthly Interest Earned:\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< monthlyInterestEarned << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << "Monthly Balance Total:\t\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< monthlyBalanceTotal << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
/* Display: The final report */
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "\n\n\t\tAshikaga Bank - Final Account Balance Sheet\n";
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << "Account History: " << monthsPassed << " months\n";
cout << "\nDeposits Total:\t\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< depositsTotal << endl;
cout << "Withdrawals Total:\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< withdrawalsTotal << endl;
cout << "Interest Earned Total:\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< interestEarnedTotal << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << "Account Balance Total:\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< accountBalanceTotal << endl;
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
/* Update::Open: File "FinalReport.txt" */
/* If statement::Error handling: If the file was opened successfully
the data will be written */
if (finalReport)
/* Output: Write the formatted final output of the account balance sheet to the file "FinalReport.txt" */
finalReport << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
finalReport << "\n\n\t\tAshikaga Bank - Final Account Balance Sheet\n";
finalReport << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
finalReport << "Account History: " << monthsPassed << " months\n";
finalReport << "\nDeposits Total:\t\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< depositsTotal << endl;
finalReport << "Withdrawals Total:\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< withdrawalsTotal << endl;
finalReport << "Interest Earned Total:\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< interestEarnedTotal << endl;
finalReport << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
finalReport << "Account Balance Total:\t\t\t\t $ " << setw(9) << right
<< accountBalanceTotal << endl;
finalReport << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
/* Update::Display: Error message */
cout << "\nDear customer, an error occured!\n\n"
<< "Your data could not be saved. This can happen because 'FinalReport.txt\n"
<< "could not be opened or accessed for writing. Make sure that the program\n"
<< "folder or the file is either damaged, one or the other is damaged, or\n"
<< "one or both are set to read-only, preventing data storage.\n"
<< "To check that that is not the case, right click on the file/folder,\n"
<< "choose 'Properties,' uncheck 'Read-Only', then run the program again.\n\n"
<< "Thank you for your understanding,\n"
<< "Your Ashikaga Bank Team.\n";
/* Close: File "FinalReport.txt */
return 0;
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Programming Challenge 5.26 - Using Files - Savings Account Balance
Example-File: FinalReport.txt
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