/* Inventory Screen Report - This program reads the data in the file created
by the program in Programming Challenge 12.13. The program calculates and
displays the following data:
* The total wholesale value of the inventory
* The total retail value of the inventory
* The total quantity of all items in the inventory */
#include "Utility.h"
const int DESCR_SIZE = 25;
const int DATE_SIZE = 12;
const string ADMIN_NAME = "Administrator Rhodan";
struct Inventory
int numRecord; /* Holds the record number */
char itemDescr[DESCR_SIZE]; /* Holds the item name */
int atHand; /* Quantity of items available */
double wholesaleCost; /* Holds the wholesale cost */
double retailCost; /* Holds the retail cost */
char dateAdded[DATE_SIZE]; /* Holds the date an item was added */
/* Inventory Constructor */
numRecord = 0;
itemDescr[DESCR_SIZE] = ' ';
atHand = 0;
wholesaleCost = 0.0;
retailCost = 0.0;
dateAdded[DATE_SIZE] = ' ';
/* Inventory Destructor */
struct ItemValue
int atHandTotal; /* Holds the total amount of items available */
double wholesaleTotal; /* Holds the total wholesale value of all items */
double retailTotal; /* Holds the total retail value of all items */
atHandTotal = 0;
wholesaleTotal = 0.0;
retailTotal = 0.0;
int readFile(Inventory &, ItemValue &);
void calcValue(Inventory &, ItemValue &);
void showInventory(const Inventory &);
void showValue(const ItemValue &);
int main()
ItemValue value;
Inventory record;
int fOpen = 0;
<< "Welcome " << ADMIN_NAME << "!\n";
fOpen = readFile(record, value);
if (fOpen != -1)
cout << "\nI will now shut this program down, " << ADMIN_NAME << ".\n"
<< "The Cosmic Warehouse Company Item Record System "
<< "wishes you a successful day!";
return 0;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: readFile
This function accepts two structures passed by reference
as its arguments. The user is asked to enter the name of
the file containing the item records. Upon success, the
records are read in and processed. If an error occurs, the
user is informed by a message, and the function exits.
********************************************************** */
int readFile(Inventory &items, ItemValue &value)
string fileName = "";
cout << "\nPlease enter the name of the file you wish me to retrieve\n"
<< "item information from, " << ADMIN_NAME << ": ";
cin >> fileName;
fstream readRec(fileName.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);
if (!readRec.fail())
cout << "\nI successfully retrieved the data from " << fileName
<< ", " << ADMIN_NAME << "...\n"
<< "I will now process and display all available data ...\n\n";
while (readRec.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&items), sizeof(items)))
calcValue(items, value);
cout << "\nI could not retrieve any item information from " << fileName << ".\n"
<< "\nSorry for the inconvenience, " << ADMIN_NAME << ".\n"
<< "A service technician will immediately resolve this problem.\n"
<< "The Cosmic Warehouse Company Item Record System will now shut down ...";
return -1;
return 0;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: calcValue
This function accepts two structures passed by reference
as its arguments. It calculates the total wholesale and
retail values, as well as the total number of items. This
data is stored in the appropriate member variables of the
ItemValue structure.
********************************************************** */
void calcValue(Inventory &items, ItemValue &calcValue)
calcValue.wholesaleTotal += items.wholesaleCost * items.atHand;
calcValue.retailTotal += items.retailCost * items.atHand;
calcValue.atHandTotal += items.atHand;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: showInventory
This function accepts a const structure variable passed to
it by reference as its argument. It displays information
about all items stored in the structure member variables.
********************************************************** */
void showInventory(const Inventory &items)
cout << setw(19) << left << "Item Record Number:\t\t"
<< items.numRecord << "\n";
cout << setw(19) << left << "Item Description:\t\t"
<< items.itemDescr << "\n";
cout << setw(17) << left << "Quantity Available:\t\t"
<< items.atHand << "\n";
cout << showpoint << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << setw(16) << left << "Wholesale Cost: "
<< setw(15) << right << "$ "
<< setw(9) << right << items.wholesaleCost << "\n";
cout << setw(16) << left << "Retail Cost: "
<< setw(15) << right << "$ "
<< setw(9) << right << items.retailCost << "\n";
cout << "Date Added: " << setw(30) << right << items.dateAdded << "\n\n";
/* **********************************************************
Definition: showValue
This function accepts a const structure member variable
passed by reference as its argument. It displays:
* The total wholesale value of the items
* The total retail value of the items
* The total number of available items
********************************************************** */
void showValue(const ItemValue &value)
cout << setw(16) << left << "Total Wholesale Value: "
<< setw(8) << right << "$ "
<< setw(4) << right << value.wholesaleTotal << "\n";
cout << setw(16) << left << "Total Retail Value: "
<< setw(8) << right << "$ "
<< setw(4) << right << value.retailTotal << "\n\n";
cout << setw(19) << left << "Total Items Available: "
<< setw(12) << right << value.atHandTotal << "\n";
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