Monday, July 17, 2017

Programming Challenge 12.12 - Corporate Sales Data Input

Example File: IshikawaSalesData.dat

/* Corporate Sales Data Input - This program reads the data in the file
    created by the program in Programming Challenge 12.11. The program
    calculates and displays the following figures:

        * Total corporate sales for each quarter
        * Total yearly sales for each division
        * Total yearly corporate sales
        * Average quarterly sales for the division
        * The highest and lowest quarters for the corporation */

#include "Utility.h"

const int NAME_LENGTH = 15;
const int NUM_BRANCHES = 4;
const int NUM_QUARTERS = 4;

struct CorporateSales
    char divisionName[NAME_LENGTH];                    /* Holds the division names */
    array<double, NUM_QUARTERS> qrtlySales;        /* Holds the quarterly sales results */

struct SalesResults
    array<double, NUM_QUARTERS> totalSalesQtr;    /* Total corporate sales for each quarter          */
    array<double, NUM_QUARTERS> totalSalesDiv;    /* Total yearly sales for each division          */       
    array<double, NUM_QUARTERS> avgQtrlySales;    /* Average quarterly sales for the division      */
    double totalYrlyCorp;                                /* Total yearly corporate sales                      */
    double highestQtr;                                    /* Highest quarterly sales for the corporation */
    double lowestQtr;                                        /* Lowest quarterly sales for the corporation  */
    int     highest;                                        /* Holds the quarter with highest sales result */   
    int     lowest;                                            /* Holds the quarter with lowest sales result  */

struct DivisionSales
    CorporateSales sales[NUM_BRANCHES];        /* Nested CorporateSales array structure member */
    SalesResults   summary;                        /* Nested SalesResult structure member               */

void initStruct(DivisionSales &);
int  readSalesData(DivisionSales &);
void totalSalesQtr(DivisionSales &);
void totalDivSales(DivisionSales &);
void avgDivSalesQtr(DivisionSales &);
void totalCorpSales(DivisionSales &);
void hiLoCorpSales(DivisionSales &);
void displaySalesReport(const DivisionSales &);

int main()
    DivisionSales division;
    int fOpen = 0;


    cout << "\n\tISHIKAWA FRUIT COMPANY\n\n";

    if (fOpen = readSalesData(division) != -1)

    cout << "\n\n\tNow exiting the program ...\n"
          << "\n\tISHIKAWA FRUIT COMPANY - Your number one fruit supplier!";

   return 0;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: initStructure

    This function uses a reference variable to a struct as
    its argument. All structure members are initialized to a
    default value.
   ********************************************************** */

void initStruct(DivisionSales &sales)
    sales.summary.totalYrlyCorp = 0.0;
    sales.summary.highestQtr = 0.0;
    sales.summary.lowestQtr = 0.0;
    sales.summary.highest = 0;
    sales.summary.lowest = 0;

    for (int index = 0; index < NUM_BRANCHES; index++)
        sales.summary.totalSalesQtr[index] = 0.0;
        sales.summary.totalSalesDiv[index] = 0.0;
        sales.summary.avgQtrlySales[index] = 0.0;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: readSalesData

    This function uses a reference variable to a struct as
    parameter. The user is asked to enter the name of the file
    from which the sales data should be read in. Upon succes,
    the sales data is read in, and the structure members are
    populated. In case of failure a message is displayed, and
    the program exits.
   ********************************************************** */

int readSalesData(DivisionSales &division)
    string fileName = "";
    cout << "\tEnter filename containing sales data:   ";
    cin >> fileName;

    fstream readData(fileName.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);

    if (!
        cout << "\tReading in sales data from\t\t" << fileName << "\n";<char *>(&division),
                          sizeof(CorporateSales) * NUM_BRANCHES);

        cout << "\tData successfully read in from\t\t" << fileName << "\n"
              << "\tNow closing\t\t\t\t" << fileName << "\n\n\n\n";
        cout << "\n\tFile Read Error. Could not open or process " << fileName << "\n"
              << "\tThis program will now exit ...";
        return -1;

    return 0;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: totalSalesQtr

    This function uses a reference variable to a struct as
    paramter. It calculates the sales total achieved by the
    whole company in each of the four quarters. This data is
    stored in the appropriate struct member variable.
   ********************************************************** */

void totalSalesQtr(DivisionSales &corp)
    for (int index = 0; index < NUM_BRANCHES; index++)
        for (int qtrs = 0; qtrs < NUM_QUARTERS; qtrs++)
            corp.summary.totalSalesQtr[qtrs] += corp.sales[index].qrtlySales[qtrs];

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: totalDivSales

    This function uses a reference variable to a struct as
    paramter. It calculates the sales total achieved by each
    of the four companies' divisions, for each of the four
    quarters. This result is stored in the appropriate struct
    member variable.
   ********************************************************** */

void totalDivSales(DivisionSales &division)
    for (int index = 0; index < NUM_BRANCHES; index++)
        division.summary.totalSalesDiv[index] = 0;
        for (int qtrs = 0; qtrs < NUM_QUARTERS; qtrs++)
            division.summary.totalSalesDiv[index] += division.sales[index].qrtlySales[qtrs];

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: avgDivSalesQtr

    This function uses a reference variable to a struct as
    paramter. It calculates the average sales results achieved
    by each division in each of the four quarters. This data
    is stored in the appropriate struct member variable.
   ********************************************************** */

void avgDivSalesQtr(DivisionSales &division)
    for (int index = 0; index < NUM_BRANCHES; index++)
        division.summary.avgQtrlySales[index] = 0;

        for (int qtrs = 0; qtrs < NUM_QUARTERS; qtrs++)
            division.summary.avgQtrlySales[index] +=
            division.sales[index].qrtlySales[qtrs] / NUM_BRANCHES;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: totalCorpSales

    This function uses a reference variable to a struct as
    paramter. It calculates the sales total achieved by the
    company. This data is stored in the appropriate struct
    member variable.
   ********************************************************** */

void totalCorpSales(DivisionSales &corp)
    for (int qtrs = 0; qtrs < NUM_QUARTERS; qtrs++)
        corp.summary.totalYrlyCorp += corp.summary.totalSalesQtr[qtrs];


/* **********************************************************
   Definition: totalSalesQtr

    This function uses a reference variable to a struct as
    paramter. It determines the quarters with the highest
    and lowest sales results. Both the highest and lowest
    results as well as the quarter in which it was achieved
    is stored in the appropriate struct member variables.
   ********************************************************** */

void hiLoCorpSales(DivisionSales &corp)
    corp.summary.highestQtr = corp.summary.totalSalesQtr[0];
    corp.summary.lowestQtr = corp.summary.totalSalesQtr[0];
    for (int index = 0; index < NUM_BRANCHES; index++)
        corp.summary.highestQtr < corp.summary.totalSalesQtr[index] ?
            corp.summary.highestQtr = corp.summary.totalSalesQtr[index],
            corp.summary.highest = (index + 1):
    for (int index = 0; index < NUM_BRANCHES; index++)
        corp.summary.lowestQtr > corp.summary.totalSalesQtr[index]?
            corp.summary.lowestQtr = corp.summary.totalSalesQtr[index],
            corp.summary.lowest = (index + 1) :

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: totalSalesQtr

    This function uses a reference variable to a struct as
    paramter. It displays a detailed summary of the sales
   ********************************************************** */

void displaySalesReport(const DivisionSales &corp)

    cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint << "\n";
    cout << "\t" << setw(31) << right << "\tQuarterly Sales Corp." 
          << setw(30) << right << "Yearly Sales Div."  
          << setw(42) << right << "Quarterly Average Sales Div.\n";
    cout << "\t" << setw(109) << setfill('-') << right;
    cout << "\n" << setfill(' ');
    for (int qtrs = 0; qtrs < NUM_QUARTERS; qtrs++)
        cout << "\tQuarter " << (qtrs + 1)
              << setw(7) << right << "$ " << corp.summary.totalSalesQtr[qtrs]
              << setw(25) << right << "$ " << corp.summary.totalSalesDiv[qtrs]
              << setw(21) << right << "$ " << corp.summary.avgQtrlySales[qtrs] << "\n";
    cout << "\t" << setw(109) << setfill('-') << right;
    cout << "\n" << setfill(' ');
    cout << "\tSales Total: " << setw(3) << right << "$ " << corp.summary.totalYrlyCorp;

    cout << "\n\n\tHighest Sales Result achieved in Quarter " << (corp.summary.highest + 1)
          << setw(52) << right << "\tSales Result $ "             << (corp.summary.highestQtr);
    cout << "\n\tLowest  Sales Result achieved in Quarter " << (corp.summary.lowest)
          << setw(52) << right << "\tSales Result $ "          << (corp.summary.lowestQtr);

Example Output:

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