Sunday, September 3, 2017

Programming Challenge 13.10 - Number Array Class

Example Files: NumberArrayClass.h


/* NumberArray.h - NumberArrayClass class specifictation file. */


#include <memory>

class NumberArray
    int    length;            // The length of the array
    int    position;        // Holds the position, given as array index, to store a number at
    int   count;            // Keeps track of the number of numbers stored in the array
    float *numbers;        // A dynamically allocated array to hold numbers
    float highestNum;        // The highest number in the array
    float lowestNum;        // The lowest number in the array
    float total;            // Holds the total sum of all numbers in the array
    float average;            // Holds the average of all numbers stored in the array
    // Initializes the array elements to 0. There is no outside access to this function.
    void initNums(int len)
        length = len;
        numbers = new float[length];

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            numbers[i] = 0.0;

    NumberArray();            // The default constructor
    NumberArray(int);        // A constructor accepting an integer value

    ~NumberArray()            // The default destructor frees the memory
        delete[] numbers;
        numbers = nullptr;
    // Mutators
    bool setPosition(int);
    bool setNumbers(float);

    float getHighest();
    float getLowest();
    float getTotal();
    float getAverage();

    // Accessor
    void printArray() const;
    void displayNumbers(NumberArray *) const;
    int  getLength() const;
    int  countNumbers() const;
    int  getPosition() const;
    bool displaySingle(int) const;


/* NumberArrayClass.cpp - Implementation file for the NumberArrayClass class. */

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "NumberArrayClass.h"

/* **********************************************************
    The default constructor initializing member variables to
    their default values.
   ********************************************************** */

    length = 0;
    position = 0;
    count = 0;
    highestNum = 0.0;
    lowestNum = 0.0;
    average = 0.0;

/* **********************************************************
    This constructor takes an integer argument, indicating the
    number of elements to be stored in the array, as argument.
    The class private member function initArray is called, and
    memory is pre-allocated to hold that many elements.
   ********************************************************** */

NumberArray::NumberArray(int numEls)

/* **********************************************************
    This function sets the position in the array in which a
    number should be stored. If the position passed to it is
    greater than 0 and lower than the length of the array, the
    number is stored at that position. Else the user is shown
    a message indicating that the position is invalid.
   ********************************************************** */

bool NumberArray::setPosition(int pos)
    if (pos >= 0 && pos <= length)
        position = pos;
        return true;
        std::cout << "\nThis position is invalid\n";
    return false;

/* **********************************************************
            NumberArray::setNumbers(accepts a float)
    This function copies a number passed to it into the array
    position indicated by the user, if the number currently
    stored at that position is 0. If there is already a number
    stored at that position, or a negative number is entered,
    or there are no more free positions available to store a
    number at, messages are displayed and negative is returned
    from this function
   ********************************************************** */

bool NumberArray::setNumbers(float num)
    if (countNumbers() != length)
        if (numbers[getPosition()] == 0 && num > 0 && position <= length)
            numbers[getPosition()] = num;
            return true;       
        else if (numbers[getPosition()] > 0 && position <= length)
            std::cout << "\nThis position already contains a number!\n";
            count += 0;
            return false;
        else /*if (numbers[getPosition()] == 0 && num < 0 && position <= length)*/
            std::cout << "\nOnly positive numbers are allowed!\n";
            count += 0;
        count += 0;
        std::cout << "\nThere are no more positions availabale ..\n";

    return false;

/* **********************************************************
    This function retrieves and displays a number, stored at
    the index position passed to this function. If the index
    does not exist, a message is displayed.
   ********************************************************** */

bool NumberArray::displaySingle(int pos) const
    if ((pos) < 1 || (pos) > length)
        std::cout << "Valid positions are 1 through " << length << "\n";
        return false;
        std::cout << "\nThe number stored at position: " << pos
                     << " is " << numbers[pos-1] << "\n";
        return true;

/* **********************************************************
    This function outputs the whole array to screen.
   ********************************************************** */

void NumberArray::printArray() const
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        std::cout << "pos: " << (i + 1) << " " << numbers[i] << "\n";

/* **********************************************************
    This function accepts a pointer to a NumberArray object.
    It calls a function that displays the array's contents.
   ********************************************************** */

void NumberArray::displayNumbers(NumberArray *numbers) const
    std::cout << "\nThese are the numbers currently stored in your list:\n";

/* **********************************************************
    This function finds the highest number stored in the array
    and returns it.
   ********************************************************** */

float NumberArray::getHighest()
    highestNum = numbers[0];

    for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
        if (numbers[i] > highestNum)
            highestNum = numbers[i];

    return highestNum;
/* **********************************************************
    This function finds and returns the lowest number stored
    in the array.
   ********************************************************** */

float NumberArray::getLowest()
    lowestNum = numbers[0];

    for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
        if (numbers[i] < lowestNum)
            lowestNum = numbers[i];

    return lowestNum;

/* **********************************************************
    A helper function that caluclates the sum-total of all
    numbers stored in the array and returns it.
   ********************************************************** */

float NumberArray::getTotal()
    total = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        total += numbers[i];

    return total;
/* **********************************************************
    This function calculates and returns the average of all
    numbers stored in the array.
   ********************************************************** */

float NumberArray::getAverage()
    return average = (getTotal() / count);

/* **********************************************************
    This function keeps track of the number of numbers stored
    in the array. The count is returend.
   ********************************************************** */

int NumberArray::countNumbers() const
{ return count; }

/* **********************************************************
    This function returns the current position in the array.
   ********************************************************** */

int NumberArray::getPosition() const
    return (position - 1);

/* **********************************************************
    This function returns the array's length.
   ********************************************************** */

int NumberArray::getLength() const
    return length;


/* NumberArrayClassDemo.cpp - This program demonstrates the NumberArrayClass class. */

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "NumberArrayClass.h"

                        DISPLAY_NUMS = 'D', LOWEST_NUM = 'L', AVERAGE_NUM = 'A', QUIT = 'Q' };

char options();
void menu(int);

int main()
    int numEls = 0;

    std::cout << "NUMBER ARRAY DEMO\n\n";
    std::cout << "How many numbers do you wish to store? ";
    std::cin >> numEls;


    return 0;

char options()
    char mC = ' ';

    std::cout << "\nNumber Array Demo\n\n"
               << "[E]nter Number\n"
               << "[D]isplay Number List\n"
               << "[R]etrieve Single Number\n"
               << "[A]verage of All Numbers\n"
               << "[H]ighest Number\n"
               << "[L]owest Number\n"
               << "[Q]uit\n\n";

    std::cout << "Please Enter Your Choice: ";
    std::cin >> mC;

    while (toupper(mC) < ENTER_NUM && toupper(mC) > QUIT)
        std::cout << "\nPlease Enter Your Choice: ";
        std::cin >> mC;

    return toupper(mC);

void menu(int numEls)
    float num = 0.0;
    int    pos = 0;
    char  mC = ' ';

    NumberArray *numPtr = new NumberArray(numEls);

        mC = options();
        std::cout << "\n";

        switch (mC)
            case ENTER_NUM:
                std::cout << "Position: ";
                std::cin >> pos;

                while (numPtr->setPosition(pos) == false)
                    std::cout << "Position: ";
                    std::cin >> pos;

                std::cout << "Number: ";
                std::cin >> num;

                while (numPtr->setNumbers(num) == false && numPtr->countNumbers() != numPtr->getLength())
                    std::cout << "Position: ";
                    std::cin >> pos;

                    while (numPtr->setPosition(pos) == false)
                        std::cout << "Position: ";
                        std::cin >> pos;

                    std::cout << "Number: ";
                    std::cin >> num;
            } break;

            case RETRIEVE_NUM:
                std::cout << "\nWhich position do you wish to display? ";
                std::cin >> pos;

                while (numPtr->displaySingle(pos) == false)
                    std::cout << "Which position do you wish to display? ";
                    std::cin >> pos;
            } break;

            case DISPLAY_NUMS:
            } break;

            case HIGHEST_NUM:
                std::cout << "\nThe highest number is: " << numPtr->getHighest() << "\n";
            } break;

            case LOWEST_NUM:
                std::cout << "\nThe lowest number is: " << numPtr->getLowest() << "\n";
            } break;

            case AVERAGE_NUM:
                std::cout << "\nThe average of all numbers is: " << numPtr->getAverage() << "\n";
            } break;

            case QUIT:
                std::cout << "\nThank you for trying this demo! Have a nice day!";
            } break;
    } while (toupper(mC) != QUIT);

    delete numPtr;

Example Output:

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