Saturday, September 23, 2017

No Advertisements Please

This post only concerns those among my visitors who happen to think that the comment section of this humble blog is a playground for advertisements. Let me tell you, it is not. If you would like to have your page or service advertised, please ask me. I will consider adding a banner to your website or blog under the following conditions:

A) It is a legit website or blog, which my visitors can safely visit and might benefit from the content you offer.

B) It must not contain content considered harmful to youth, children, or young adults, it most not contain anything racist, or something that hurts the religious feeling of any of my visitors, nor must it contain something that is generally considered a no-go.

My wish is to provide all visitors a pleasant browsing experience, undisturbed by advertisments all over the place, not even in comments. My wish is not to earn money on my visitors, which is the reason why I keep this blog ad-free. 

With this I wish all my visitors a very pleasant weekend, and those visitors it concerns I ask to respect the rules. As for me, it is back to writing more classes, which, even though a challenge, I already come to like working with very much. 

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