/* Drink Machine Simulator - This program simulates a soft drink machine.
The program uses a structure that stores the following data:
* Drink Name
* Drink Cost
* Number of Drinks in Machine
The program creates an array of five structures. The elements are
initialized with the following data:
* Drink Name Cost Number in Machine
---------------- ----- ------------------------
Cola .75 20
Root Beer .75 20
Lemon-Lime .75 20
Grape Soda .80 20
Cream Soda .80 20
Each time the program runs, it enters a loop that performs the following
steps: A list of drinks is displayed on the screen. The user is allowed
to either quit the program or pick a drink. If the user selects a drink,
he or she will next enter the amount of money that is to be inserted into
the drink machine. The program displays the amount of change that would be
returned and subtract one from the number of that drink left in the machine.
If the user selects a drink that has sold out, a message is displayed. The
loop then repeats. When the user chooses to quit the program it displays the
total amount of money the machine earned.
Input Validation: When the user enters an amount of money, no negative values
or values greater than $1.00 are accepted. */
#include "UtilityCls.h"
struct Hanbaiki
string drinkName; /* Name of the drinks */
double cost; /* Product price */
int numDrinks; /* Number of drinks */
Hanbaiki(string d = "N/A", double c = 0.0, int n = 20)
drinkName = d;
cost = c;
numDrinks = n;
struct Sales
double revenue; /* Gets the revenue */
double change; /* Holds the change */
double numAvailable; /* Keeps track of the available drinks */
double sumInserted; /* Gets the amount inserted into the coin receiver */
Sales(double rv = 0.0, double sm = 0.0, double chg = 0.0, int av = 0)
revenue = rv;
change = chg;
sumInserted = sm;
numAvailable = av;
enum hanbaikiMenu
BUY = 1, CANCEL = 2, QUIT = 3
enum drinks
enum acceptedCoins
void menu(Hanbaiki *, Sales, const int);
int getOption();
void displayDrinks(Hanbaiki *, const int);
void calcRevenue(Hanbaiki *, Sales &, const int, const int);
int getCoins();
void coinReceiver(Hanbaiki *, Sales, const int, const int);
bool reqRefill(Hanbaiki *, Sales, const int);
int main()
const int PRODUCTS = 5;
Sales rev;
Hanbaiki drinks[PRODUCTS] = { { "COLA", 0.75 },
{ "ROOT BEER", 0.75 },
{ "LEMON LIME", 0.75 },
{ "GRAPE SODA", 0.80 },
{ "CREAM SODA", 0.80 } };
menu(drinks, rev, PRODUCTS);
return 0;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: menu
This function accepts an array of structs and a structure
as argument. It acts as the main menu from which all other
functions are called.
********************************************************** */
void menu(Hanbaiki *drinks, Sales rev, const int PRODUCTS)
int selection = 0;
int option = 0;
bool isEmpty = false;
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "\n\tSUNTORY Soft Drinks\n\n";
displayDrinks(drinks, PRODUCTS);
cout << "\n\n\tSelect [0 = Cancel | Options]: ";
cin >> selection;
if (selection == 0)
option = getOption();
selection -= 1;
while (selection < COLA || selection > CREAM_SODA)
cout << "\n\tSelect [0 = Cancel | Options]: ";
cin >> selection;
selection -= 1;
option = getOption();
switch (option)
case BUY:
if (drinks[selection].numDrinks != 0 && option != CANCEL)
coinReceiver(drinks, rev, selection, PRODUCTS);
calcRevenue(drinks, rev, selection, PRODUCTS);
if (isEmpty = reqRefill(drinks, rev, PRODUCTS))
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "\n\n\tVENDING MACHINE EMPTY\n\n"
<< "\tPlease call SUNTORY: 0421-5884929\n\n"
<< "\tSUNTORY - Your number one in Soft Drinks\n\n"
<< "\tTotal Revenue: " << rev.revenue << " $\n";
option = 3;
} break;
case CANCEL:
} break;
case QUIT:
cout << "\n\n\tSUNTORY - Your number one in Soft Drinks\n\n";
cout << "\tTotal Revenue: " << rev.revenue << " $\n";
} break;
} while (option != QUIT);
/* **********************************************************
Definition: getOption
This function asks the buyer to select from the following
* BUY To buy a drink
* CANCEL To cancel the transaction
* QUIT To exit the program
The selection is returned from the function.
********************************************************** */
int getOption()
int option = 0;
cout << "\n\t1: BUY"
<< "\n\t2: CANCEL"
<< "\n\t3: QUIT\n\n"
<< "\tOption: ";
cin >> option;
while (option < BUY || option > QUIT)
cout << "\n\tOption: ";
cin >> option;
return option;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: displayDrinks
This function accepts an array of structs as argument. It
displays a list of drinks, their names, price and the
number of available products. If the number of drinks is
0, 'OUT OF STOCK' is output.
********************************************************** */
void displayDrinks(Hanbaiki *drinks, const int PRODUCTS)
cout << "\t[ 1 ] " << drinks[COLA].drinkName
<< setw(23) << right << drinks[COLA].cost;
drinks[COLA].numDrinks > 0 ? cout << setw(23) << right
<< "Drinks Left: " << drinks[COLA].numDrinks :
cout << setw(24) << right << "OUT OF STOCK";
cout << "\n\t[ 2 ] " << drinks[ROOT_BEER].drinkName
<< setw(18) << right << drinks[ROOT_BEER].cost;
drinks[ROOT_BEER].numDrinks > 0 ? cout << setw(23) << right << "Drinks Left: "
<< drinks[ROOT_BEER].numDrinks :
cout << setw(24) << right << "OUT OF STOCK";
cout << "\n\t[ 3 ] " << drinks[LEMON_LIME].drinkName
<< setw(17) << right << drinks[LEMON_LIME].cost;
drinks[LEMON_LIME].numDrinks > 0 ? cout << setw(23) << right << "Drinks Left: "
<< drinks[LEMON_LIME].numDrinks :
cout << setw(24) << right << "OUT OF STOCK";
cout << "\n\t[ 4 ] " << drinks[GRAPE_SODA].drinkName
<< setw(17) << right << drinks[GRAPE_SODA].cost;
drinks[GRAPE_SODA].numDrinks > 0 ? cout << setw(23) << right << "Drinks Left: "
<< drinks[GRAPE_SODA].numDrinks :
cout << setw(24) << right << "OUT OF STOCK";
cout << "\n\t[ 5 ] " << drinks[CREAM_SODA].drinkName
<< setw(17) << right << drinks[CREAM_SODA].cost;
drinks[CREAM_SODA].numDrinks > 0 ? cout << setw(23) << right << "Drinks Left: "
<< drinks[CREAM_SODA].numDrinks :
cout << setw(26) << right << "OUT OF STOCK\n\n";
/* **********************************************************
Definition: coinReceiver
This function accepts an array of structs and a structure
as arguments. It acts as coin receiver. It keeps track of
the amount of money inserted, which is constantly updated
and displayed. If the amount of money received is greater
than the product cost, the change is calculated, and the
amount a buyer would normally receive is displayed.
********************************************************** */
void coinReceiver(Hanbaiki *drinks, Sales rev, const int selection,
const int PRODUCTS)
const double coins[5] = { .05, .10, .25, .50, 1.0 };
int insert = 0;
insert = getCoins();
if (rev.sumInserted < drinks[selection].cost)
cout << "\n\tYou inserted: " << (rev.sumInserted += coins[insert - 1]) << "\n";
if (rev.sumInserted > drinks[selection].cost)
rev.change = rev.sumInserted - drinks[selection].cost;
rev.sumInserted = drinks[selection].cost;
cout << "\n\tChange: " << rev.change << " ct.\n";
} while (drinks[selection].cost != rev.sumInserted);
/* **********************************************************
Definition: getCoins
This function displays a list of coins the buyer is asked
to insert. The lowest amount being five cents, the highest
one dollar. The selection is returned.
********************************************************** */
int getCoins()
int insert = 0;
cout << "\n\t[ 1. ]" << setw(12) << right << "5 ct.\n"
<< "\t[ 2. ]" << setw(12) << right << "10 ct.\n"
<< "\t[ 3. ]" << setw(12) << right << "25 ct.\n"
<< "\t[ 4. ]" << setw(12) << right << "50 ct.\n"
<< "\t[ 5. ]" << setw(13) << right << " 1 D.\n\n";
cout << "\tInsert: ";
cin >> insert;
while (insert < FIVE_CT || insert > ONE_DOLLAR)
cout << "\tInsert: ";
cin >> insert;
return insert;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: calcRevenue
This function accepts an array of structs, a structure
as argument. It calculates the revenue and stores it in
the appropriate member of the Sales structure. It also
deducts 1 from the number of available drinks after a
sale has taken place.
********************************************************** */
void calcRevenue(Hanbaiki *drinks, Sales &rev, const int selection,
const int PRODUCTS)
rev.revenue += drinks[selection].cost;
drinks[selection].numDrinks -= 1;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: reqRefill
This function accepts an array of structs and a structure
as arguments. It keeps track of the total number of drinks
which is stored in the appropriate member of the Sales
structure. This information is returned from the function.
********************************************************** */
bool reqRefill(Hanbaiki *drinks, Sales rev, const int PRODUCTS)
bool isEmpty = false;
for (int index = 0; index < PRODUCTS; index++)
rev.numAvailable += drinks[index].numDrinks;
if (rev.numAvailable == 0)
isEmpty = true;
return isEmpty;
The program uses a structure that stores the following data:
* Drink Name
* Drink Cost
* Number of Drinks in Machine
The program creates an array of five structures. The elements are
initialized with the following data:
* Drink Name Cost Number in Machine
---------------- ----- ------------------------
Cola .75 20
Root Beer .75 20
Lemon-Lime .75 20
Grape Soda .80 20
Cream Soda .80 20
Each time the program runs, it enters a loop that performs the following
steps: A list of drinks is displayed on the screen. The user is allowed
to either quit the program or pick a drink. If the user selects a drink,
he or she will next enter the amount of money that is to be inserted into
the drink machine. The program displays the amount of change that would be
returned and subtract one from the number of that drink left in the machine.
If the user selects a drink that has sold out, a message is displayed. The
loop then repeats. When the user chooses to quit the program it displays the
total amount of money the machine earned.
Input Validation: When the user enters an amount of money, no negative values
or values greater than $1.00 are accepted. */
#include "UtilityCls.h"
struct Hanbaiki
string drinkName; /* Name of the drinks */
double cost; /* Product price */
int numDrinks; /* Number of drinks */
Hanbaiki(string d = "N/A", double c = 0.0, int n = 20)
drinkName = d;
cost = c;
numDrinks = n;
struct Sales
double revenue; /* Gets the revenue */
double change; /* Holds the change */
double numAvailable; /* Keeps track of the available drinks */
double sumInserted; /* Gets the amount inserted into the coin receiver */
Sales(double rv = 0.0, double sm = 0.0, double chg = 0.0, int av = 0)
revenue = rv;
change = chg;
sumInserted = sm;
numAvailable = av;
enum hanbaikiMenu
BUY = 1, CANCEL = 2, QUIT = 3
enum drinks
enum acceptedCoins
void menu(Hanbaiki *, Sales, const int);
int getOption();
void displayDrinks(Hanbaiki *, const int);
void calcRevenue(Hanbaiki *, Sales &, const int, const int);
int getCoins();
void coinReceiver(Hanbaiki *, Sales, const int, const int);
bool reqRefill(Hanbaiki *, Sales, const int);
int main()
const int PRODUCTS = 5;
Sales rev;
Hanbaiki drinks[PRODUCTS] = { { "COLA", 0.75 },
{ "ROOT BEER", 0.75 },
{ "LEMON LIME", 0.75 },
{ "GRAPE SODA", 0.80 },
{ "CREAM SODA", 0.80 } };
menu(drinks, rev, PRODUCTS);
return 0;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: menu
This function accepts an array of structs and a structure
as argument. It acts as the main menu from which all other
functions are called.
********************************************************** */
void menu(Hanbaiki *drinks, Sales rev, const int PRODUCTS)
int selection = 0;
int option = 0;
bool isEmpty = false;
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "\n\tSUNTORY Soft Drinks\n\n";
displayDrinks(drinks, PRODUCTS);
cout << "\n\n\tSelect [0 = Cancel | Options]: ";
cin >> selection;
if (selection == 0)
option = getOption();
selection -= 1;
while (selection < COLA || selection > CREAM_SODA)
cout << "\n\tSelect [0 = Cancel | Options]: ";
cin >> selection;
selection -= 1;
option = getOption();
switch (option)
case BUY:
if (drinks[selection].numDrinks != 0 && option != CANCEL)
coinReceiver(drinks, rev, selection, PRODUCTS);
calcRevenue(drinks, rev, selection, PRODUCTS);
if (isEmpty = reqRefill(drinks, rev, PRODUCTS))
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "\n\n\tVENDING MACHINE EMPTY\n\n"
<< "\tPlease call SUNTORY: 0421-5884929\n\n"
<< "\tSUNTORY - Your number one in Soft Drinks\n\n"
<< "\tTotal Revenue: " << rev.revenue << " $\n";
option = 3;
} break;
case CANCEL:
} break;
case QUIT:
cout << "\n\n\tSUNTORY - Your number one in Soft Drinks\n\n";
cout << "\tTotal Revenue: " << rev.revenue << " $\n";
} break;
} while (option != QUIT);
/* **********************************************************
Definition: getOption
This function asks the buyer to select from the following
* BUY To buy a drink
* CANCEL To cancel the transaction
* QUIT To exit the program
The selection is returned from the function.
********************************************************** */
int getOption()
int option = 0;
cout << "\n\t1: BUY"
<< "\n\t2: CANCEL"
<< "\n\t3: QUIT\n\n"
<< "\tOption: ";
cin >> option;
while (option < BUY || option > QUIT)
cout << "\n\tOption: ";
cin >> option;
return option;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: displayDrinks
This function accepts an array of structs as argument. It
displays a list of drinks, their names, price and the
number of available products. If the number of drinks is
0, 'OUT OF STOCK' is output.
********************************************************** */
void displayDrinks(Hanbaiki *drinks, const int PRODUCTS)
cout << "\t[ 1 ] " << drinks[COLA].drinkName
<< setw(23) << right << drinks[COLA].cost;
drinks[COLA].numDrinks > 0 ? cout << setw(23) << right
<< "Drinks Left: " << drinks[COLA].numDrinks :
cout << setw(24) << right << "OUT OF STOCK";
cout << "\n\t[ 2 ] " << drinks[ROOT_BEER].drinkName
<< setw(18) << right << drinks[ROOT_BEER].cost;
drinks[ROOT_BEER].numDrinks > 0 ? cout << setw(23) << right << "Drinks Left: "
<< drinks[ROOT_BEER].numDrinks :
cout << setw(24) << right << "OUT OF STOCK";
cout << "\n\t[ 3 ] " << drinks[LEMON_LIME].drinkName
<< setw(17) << right << drinks[LEMON_LIME].cost;
drinks[LEMON_LIME].numDrinks > 0 ? cout << setw(23) << right << "Drinks Left: "
<< drinks[LEMON_LIME].numDrinks :
cout << setw(24) << right << "OUT OF STOCK";
cout << "\n\t[ 4 ] " << drinks[GRAPE_SODA].drinkName
<< setw(17) << right << drinks[GRAPE_SODA].cost;
drinks[GRAPE_SODA].numDrinks > 0 ? cout << setw(23) << right << "Drinks Left: "
<< drinks[GRAPE_SODA].numDrinks :
cout << setw(24) << right << "OUT OF STOCK";
cout << "\n\t[ 5 ] " << drinks[CREAM_SODA].drinkName
<< setw(17) << right << drinks[CREAM_SODA].cost;
drinks[CREAM_SODA].numDrinks > 0 ? cout << setw(23) << right << "Drinks Left: "
<< drinks[CREAM_SODA].numDrinks :
cout << setw(26) << right << "OUT OF STOCK\n\n";
/* **********************************************************
Definition: coinReceiver
This function accepts an array of structs and a structure
as arguments. It acts as coin receiver. It keeps track of
the amount of money inserted, which is constantly updated
and displayed. If the amount of money received is greater
than the product cost, the change is calculated, and the
amount a buyer would normally receive is displayed.
********************************************************** */
void coinReceiver(Hanbaiki *drinks, Sales rev, const int selection,
const int PRODUCTS)
const double coins[5] = { .05, .10, .25, .50, 1.0 };
int insert = 0;
insert = getCoins();
if (rev.sumInserted < drinks[selection].cost)
cout << "\n\tYou inserted: " << (rev.sumInserted += coins[insert - 1]) << "\n";
if (rev.sumInserted > drinks[selection].cost)
rev.change = rev.sumInserted - drinks[selection].cost;
rev.sumInserted = drinks[selection].cost;
cout << "\n\tChange: " << rev.change << " ct.\n";
} while (drinks[selection].cost != rev.sumInserted);
/* **********************************************************
Definition: getCoins
This function displays a list of coins the buyer is asked
to insert. The lowest amount being five cents, the highest
one dollar. The selection is returned.
********************************************************** */
int getCoins()
int insert = 0;
cout << "\n\t[ 1. ]" << setw(12) << right << "5 ct.\n"
<< "\t[ 2. ]" << setw(12) << right << "10 ct.\n"
<< "\t[ 3. ]" << setw(12) << right << "25 ct.\n"
<< "\t[ 4. ]" << setw(12) << right << "50 ct.\n"
<< "\t[ 5. ]" << setw(13) << right << " 1 D.\n\n";
cout << "\tInsert: ";
cin >> insert;
while (insert < FIVE_CT || insert > ONE_DOLLAR)
cout << "\tInsert: ";
cin >> insert;
return insert;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: calcRevenue
This function accepts an array of structs, a structure
as argument. It calculates the revenue and stores it in
the appropriate member of the Sales structure. It also
deducts 1 from the number of available drinks after a
sale has taken place.
********************************************************** */
void calcRevenue(Hanbaiki *drinks, Sales &rev, const int selection,
const int PRODUCTS)
rev.revenue += drinks[selection].cost;
drinks[selection].numDrinks -= 1;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: reqRefill
This function accepts an array of structs and a structure
as arguments. It keeps track of the total number of drinks
which is stored in the appropriate member of the Sales
structure. This information is returned from the function.
********************************************************** */
bool reqRefill(Hanbaiki *drinks, Sales rev, const int PRODUCTS)
bool isEmpty = false;
for (int index = 0; index < PRODUCTS; index++)
rev.numAvailable += drinks[index].numDrinks;
if (rev.numAvailable == 0)
isEmpty = true;
return isEmpty;
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