/* Charge Account Validation - This program lets the user enter a charge account number. The program determines if the number is valid by checking for it in the following list:
5658845 4520125 7895122 8777541 8451277 1302850
8080152 4562555 5552012 5050552 7825877 1250255
1005231 6545231 3852085 7576651 7881200 4581002
The list of numbers above is initialized in a single-dimensional array.
A simple linear search is used to locate the number entered by the user.
If the user enters a number that is in the array, the program displays
a message saying that the number is valid. If the user enters a number
that is not in the array, the program displays a message indicating that
the number is invalid. */
#include "Utility.h"
/* Function prototypes */
int getNumber();
void searchNumber(const int[], const int, int);
int main()
/* Number of elements in the array */
const int NUMELS = 18;
/* Array initialized with a list of account numbers */
int accNumbers[NUMELS] = { 5658845, 4520125, 7895122, 8777541,
8451277, 1302850, 8080152, 4562555,
5552012, 5050552, 7825877, 1250255,
1005231, 6545231, 3852085, 7576651,
7881200, 4581002 };
int secretNum = 0;
secretNum = getNumber();
searchNumber(accNumbers, secretNum, NUMELS);
return 0;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: getNumber
This function asks the user for his or her secret account
verfication number and returns it.
********************************************************** */
int getNumber()
int secretNum = 0;
cout << "\n\t\tAshikaga Bank - Credit Authorization Terminal\n\n"
<< "Please enter your secret number: ";
cin >> secretNum;
return secretNum;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: searchNumber
This function accepts accNumbers, containing a list of int
numbers secretNumber, and NUMELS as arguments. It performs
a linear search on the array. If a match has been found,
the user is informed that his or her entry was valid. If
no match could be found, a message indicating that the
secret number was not found is displayed.
********************************************************** */
void searchNumber(const int accNumbers[], const int secretNum,
int index = 0;
/* Flag to indicate a match */
bool isFound = false;
while (index < NUMELS && !isFound)
/* If secretNumber is found, isFound is set to true and the loop
exits. Otherwise the array is searched to the end, isFound gets
false, and the loop exits. */
accNumbers[index] == secretNum ? isFound = true : isFound = false;
isFound ? cout << "\nYour secret number has been successfully verified!" :
cout << "\nYour secret number was not found in our database ...";
Monday, March 6, 2017
Programming Challenge 8.1 - Charge Account Validation
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