Thursday, March 2, 2017

Programming Challenge 7.19 - 2D Array Operations

/* 2D Array Operations - This program creates a two-dimensional array
   initialized with test data. The program has the following functions:
      * getTotal - This function accepts a two-dimensional array as its
        argument and return the total of all the values in the array.

      * getAverage - This function accepts a two-dimensional array as
        its argument and terturn the average of all the values in the

      * getRowTotal - This function accepts a two-dimensional array as
        its first argument and an integer as its second argument. The
        second argument is the first subscript of a row in the array.
        The function returns the total of the values in the specified

      * getColumnTotal - This function accepts a two-dimensional array
        as its first argument and an integer as as its second argument.
        The second argument is the subscript of a column in the array.
        The function returns the total of the values in the specified

      * getHighestInRow - This function accepts a two-dimensional array
        as its first argument and an integer as its second argument. The
        second argument is the first subscript of a row in the array. The
        function returns the highest value in the specified row in the

      * getLowestInRow - This function accepts a two-dimensional array
        as its first argument and an integer as its second argument. The
        second argument is the first subscript of a row in the array. The
        function returns the lowest value in the specified row of the array.

   This program demonstrates each of the functions in this program. */

#include "Utility.h"

/* Global Constants: Number of rows, Number of Columns */
const int NUM_ROWS = 3,
          NUM_COLS = 5; 

/* Function prototypes: Switch operations, Validate input rows, Validate input
                        columns, Get total, Get average, Get row total, Get
                        column total, Get highest in row, Get lowest in row */
void switchOps(double [][NUM_COLS]);
bool valInputRows(int);
bool valInputCols(int);
double getTotal(double [][NUM_COLS]);
double getAverage(double [][NUM_COLS]);
double getRowTotal(double [][NUM_COLS], int);
double getColumnTotal(double [][NUM_COLS], int);
double getHighestInRow(double [][NUM_COLS], int);
double getLowestInRow(double [][NUM_COLS], int);

int main()
   double magicApples[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] = { { 17, 35, 98, 12, 44 },
                                              { 29, 19, 44, 5, 67 },
                                              { 15, 22, 18, 31, 97 } };


   return 0;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: switchOps

   This function accepts magicApples[][] as its argument.

   It provides a menu from which the user can select. When a
   valid item is selected, the appropriated functions are
   called, and the returned result is displayed.
   ********************************************************** */

void switchOps(double magicApples[][NUM_COLS])
   /* Constants: Get total, Get average, Get row total, Get column
                 total, Get highest number in row, Get lowest number
                 in row */
   const int GET_TOTAL = 1,
             GET_AVERAGE = 2,
             GET_ROW_TOTAL = 3,
             GET_COL_TOTAL = 4,
             GET_HIGHEST_IN_ROW = 5,
             GET_LOWEST_IN_ROW = 6,
             QUIT = 7;

   /* Variables: Pick array operation, Pick row, Pick column,
                 Is valid (input validation), Get total, Get
                 average, Get row total, Get column total,
                 Get highest in row, Get lowest in row */
   int pickOp = 0,
       pickRow = 0,
       pickCol = 0;

   bool isValid = false;

   static double gTotal = 0.0,
                 gAverage = 0.0,
                 gRowTotal = 0.0,
                 gColTotal = 0.0,
                 gHighRow = 0.0,
                 gLowRow = 0.0;

      cout << "\n\t\tMAGIC ACADEMY - TEST CENTER\n\n"
           << "\t\t1. TOTAL SUM\n"
           << "\t\t2. AVERAGE SUM\n"
           << "\t\t3. TOTAL SUM ROWS\n"
           << "\t\t4. TOTAL SUM COLUMNS\n"
           << "\t\t5. HIGHEST NUMBER IN ROW\n"
           << "\t\t6. LOWEST NUMBER IN ROW\n"
           << "\t\t7. QUIT.\n\n"
           << "\t\tCHOOSE: ";
      cin >> pickOp;

      while (pickOp < GET_TOTAL || pickOp > QUIT)
         cout << "\n\t\tInvalid selection!\n"
              << "\t\tCHOOSE: ";
         cin >> pickOp;

      /* Setup numeric output formatting */
      cout << showpoint << fixed << setprecision(2);

      switch (pickOp)
         case 1:
            gTotal = getTotal(magicApples);
            cout << "\n\t\tThe total amount of magic apples found was: "
                 << gTotal << "\n\n";

         case 2:
            gAverage = getAverage(magicApples);
            cout << "\n\t\tThe average amount of magic apples found was: "
                 << gAverage << "\n\n";

         case 3:
            cout << "\n\t\tPlease enter row # (1 through 3): ";
            cin >> pickRow;

            /* Validate Input */
            while (isValid = valInputRows(pickRow) == false)
                  cin >> pickRow;
               gRowTotal = getRowTotal(magicApples, pickRow);

               cout << "\t\tThe sum total of all magic apples found in row #"
                  << pickRow << " was: " << gRowTotal << "\n\n";

         case 4:
            cout << "\n\t\tPlease enter a column # (1 through 5): ";
            cin >> pickCol;

            /* Validate Input */
            while (isValid = valInputCols(pickCol) == false)
               cin >> pickCol;

            gColTotal = getColumnTotal(magicApples, pickCol);

            cout << "\n\t\tThe sum total of all magic apples found in column #"
                 << pickCol << " is: " << gColTotal << "\n\n";

         case 5:
            cout << "\n\t\tPlease enter a row number (1 through 3): ";
            cin >> pickRow;

            /* Validate Input */
            while (isValid = valInputRows(pickRow) == false)
                  cin >> pickRow;

            gHighRow = getHighestInRow(magicApples, pickRow);

            cout << "\n\t\tThe highest amount of magic apples found in row #"
                 << pickRow << " is: " << gHighRow << "\n\n";

         case 6:
            cout << "\n\t\tPlease enter a row number (1 through 3): ";
            cin >> pickRow;

            /* Validate Input */
            while (isValid = valInputRows(pickRow) == false)
               cin >> pickRow;

            gLowRow = getLowestInRow(magicApples, pickRow);

            cout << "\t\tThe lowest amount of magic apples found in row #"
                 << pickRow << " is: " << gLowRow << "\n\n";

         case 7:
            cout << "\n\t\tCLOSING: Test Center ...";
   } while (pickOp != QUIT);

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: valInputRows

   This function validates the input for rows.
   ********************************************************** */

bool valInputRows(int pickRow)
   bool isValid = false;

   pickRow <= 0 || pickRow > NUM_ROWS ?
      cout << "\t\tPlease enter row # (1 through 3): ", isValid = false :
                                                         isValid = true;

   return isValid;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: valInputCols

   This function validates the input for columns.
   ********************************************************** */

bool valInputCols(int pickCol)
   bool isValid = false;

   pickCol <= 0 || pickCol > NUM_COLS ?
      cout << "\t\tPlease enter col # (1 through 5): ", isValid = false :
                                                        isValid = true;

   return isValid;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getTotal

   This function accepts magicApples[][] as its argument and
   returns the total of all the values in the array.

   Expected output: 553
   ********************************************************** */

double getTotal(double magicApples[][NUM_COLS])
   /* Variables: Index x, Index y */
   int idxX = 0,
       idxY = 0;

   /* Variable: Total sum */
   double total = 0.0;

   for (idxX = 0; idxX < NUM_ROWS; ++idxX)
      for (idxY = 0; idxY < NUM_COLS; ++idxY)
        total += magicApples[idxX][idxY];

   return total;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getAverage

   This function accepts magicApples[][] as its argument and
   returns the average of all the values in the array.

   Expected output: 36.86 (rounded to 37 with ceil function).
   ********************************************************** */

double getAverage(double magicApples[][NUM_COLS])
   /* Variables: Index x, Index y */
   int idxX = 0,
       idxY = 0;
   /* Variables: Total sum, Average sum */
   double total = 0,
          average = 0;

   for (idxX = 0; idxX < NUM_ROWS; ++idxX)
      for (idxY = 0; idxY < NUM_COLS; ++idxY)
         total += magicApples[idxX][idxY];

   average = total / (NUM_COLS * NUM_ROWS);

   return ceil(average);

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getRowTotal

   This function accepts magicApples[][] as its first, and
   pickRow, an integer, as its second argument. The second
   argument is the first subscript of a row in the array.
   The function returns the total of the values in the
   specified row.

   Expected output top -> bottom: 206, 164, 183
   ********************************************************** */

double getRowTotal(double magicApples[][NUM_COLS], int pickRow)
   /* Variable: Index y */
   int idxY = 0;

   /* Variable: Row total */
   double rowTotal = 0.0;
   /* The ternary operator determines the row total based
      on user input. - 1 catches the 1-off problem. */
      for (idxY = 0; idxY < NUM_COLS; ++idxY)
         rowTotal += magicApples[pickRow - 1][idxY];

   return rowTotal;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getColumnTotal
   This function accepts magicApples[][] as its first, and
   pickCol, an integer, as as its second argument. The second
   argument is the subscript of a column in the array. The
   function returns the total of the values in the specified

   Expected output left -> right: 61, 76, 160, 48, 208
   ********************************************************** */

double getColumnTotal(double magicApples[][NUM_COLS], int pickCol)
   /* Variable: Index x */
   int idxX = 0;

   /* Variable: Column total */
   double colTotal = 0.0;

      /* The ternary operator determines the column total based
         on user input. - 1 catches the 1-off problem. */
      for (idxX = 0; idxX < NUM_ROWS; ++idxX)
            colTotal += magicApples[idxX][pickCol - 1];
   return colTotal;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getHighestInRow
   This function accepts magicApples[][] as its first, and
   pickRow, an integer, as its second argument. The second
   argument is the first subscript of a row in the array. The
   function returns the highest value in the specified row in
   the array.

   Expected output top -> bottom: 98, 67, 97
   ********************************************************** */

double getHighestInRow(double magicApples[][NUM_COLS], int pickRow)
   /* Variable: Index y */
   int idxY = 0;

   /* Variable: Highest number in row */
   double rowHighest = 0.0;

   /* The ternary operator determines the highest value in the row
      specified by user input. - 1 catches the 1-off problem. */
   for (idxY = 0; idxY < NUM_COLS; ++idxY)
        rowHighest < magicApples[pickRow - 1][idxY] ?
        rowHighest = magicApples[pickRow - 1][idxY] :

   return rowHighest;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getLowestInRow
   This function accepts magicApples[][] as its first, and
   pickRow, an integer, as its second argument. The second
   argument is the first subscript of a row in the array. The
   function returns the lowest value in the specified row in
   the array.

   Expected output top -> bottom: 12, 5, 15
   ********************************************************** */

double getLowestInRow(double magicApples[][NUM_COLS], int pickRow)
   /* Variable: Index y */
   int idxY = 0;

   /* Variable: Row lowest (initialized to magicApples[pickRow -1]
                column subscript 0) */
   double rowLowest = magicApples[pickRow - 1][0];

   /* The ternary operator determines the lowest value in the row
      specified by user input. - 1 catches the 1-off problem. */
   for (idxY = 0; idxY < NUM_COLS; ++idxY)
      rowLowest = magicApples[pickRow - 1][idxY] < rowLowest ?
      rowLowest = magicApples[pickRow - 1][idxY] :

   return rowLowest;

Example Output:

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