Saturday, February 11, 2017

Programming Challenge 7.12 - Grade Book

/* Grade Book - A teacher has five students who have taken four tests.
   The teacher uses the following grading scale to assign a letter grade
   to a student, based on the average of his or her four test scores.
      Test Score                          Letter Grade
      90 - 100                              A
      80 -  89                              B
      70 -  79                              C
      60 -  69                              D
      0  -  59                              F

   This program uses an array of string objects to hold the five student
   names, an array of five characters to hold the five student's letter
   grades, and five arrays of four doubles to hold each student's set of
   test scores.

   The program allows the user to enter each student's name and his or
   her four test NUM_SCORES. It then calculates and displays each student's
   average test score and a letter grade based on the average.

   Input Validation: No test scores less than 0 or greater than 100 are
   accepted. */

#include "Utility.h"

/* Global Constant Variables: Number of students, Number of test scores */
const int NUM_SCORES = 4,
          NUM_STUDENTS = 5;

/* Function Prototypes: Get data, Calculate average, Get letter grades,
                        Display result */
void getData(string[], string[], double[][NUM_SCORES]);
void calcAverage(const double[][NUM_SCORES], double[]);
void getLetterGrade(const double[], char[]);

void displayResult(const string[], const string[], const double[][NUM_SCORES],
                   const double[], const char[]);

int main()
   /* Array variables: Names, Subjects, Letter grades, Scores,
                       Average */
   string names[NUM_STUDENTS] = { " " };
   string subjects[NUM_SCORES] = { "Math", "Bio", "Chem", "His" };

   char letterGrades[NUM_STUDENTS] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F' };

   double scores[NUM_STUDENTS][NUM_SCORES] = { { 0.0 }, { 0.0 } };
   double average[NUM_STUDENTS] = { 0.0 };

   /* Call: getData, calcAverage, getLetterGrade, displayResult */
   getData(names, subjects, scores);
   calcAverage(scores, average);
   getLetterGrade(average, letterGrades);
   displayResult(names, subjects, scores, average, letterGrades);

   return 0;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getData

   This function accepts the following arrays as arguments:

      * names[]
      * subjects[]
      * scores[]

   This function asks the user for five student names, and
   their four test scores.
   ********************************************************** */

void getData(string names[], string subjects[], double scores[][NUM_SCORES])
   /* Variables: Name index, Score index (loop counters) */
   int namesIdx = 0,
       scoresIdx = 0,
       inputCtrl = 0;

   /* Display: Header */

   /* These loops get the five student names from the user which
      are stored in names[], and then ask for the five sets of
      four scores, which are then stored in scores[][] */
   for (namesIdx = 0; namesIdx < NUM_STUDENTS; namesIdx++)
      cout << "Enter name of the student: ";
      cin >> names[namesIdx];

      for (scoresIdx = 0; scoresIdx < NUM_SCORES; scoresIdx++)
         cout << subjects[scoresIdx] << " score: ";
         cin >> scores[namesIdx][scoresIdx];

         /* Input validation */
         for (inputCtrl = 0; scores[namesIdx][scoresIdx] < 0.0 ||
                             scores[namesIdx][scoresIdx] > 100.0; inputCtrl++)
            cout << "\nInput failure: A number below 0.0 or above 100.0\n"
                 << "was entered. Please repeat your input.\n";
            cout << subjects[scoresIdx] << " score: ";
            cin >> scores[namesIdx][scoresIdx];
      cout << endl;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getAverage

   This function accepts the following array as its argument:

      * scores[][]
      * average[]

   It calculates the average sum for each student and set of
   test scores stored in the scores[][] array, and stores the
   result in average[].
   ********************************************************** */

void calcAverage(const double scores[][NUM_SCORES], double average[])
   /* Variables: Total (accumulator), Scores index,
                 Names index (loop counters) */
   double total = 0.0;

   int scoresIdx = 0,
       namesIdx = 0;
   /* These loops calculate the total sum and the average for each
      set of scores. The results are stored in average[] */
   for (int namesIdx = 0; namesIdx < NUM_STUDENTS; namesIdx++)
      /* Reset: total */
      total = 0.0;

      for (int scoresIdx = 0; scoresIdx < NUM_SCORES; scoresIdx++)
        total += scores[namesIdx][scoresIdx];
        average[namesIdx] = total / NUM_SCORES;

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: getLetterGrade

   This function accepts the following arrays as arguments:
      * letterGrades[]
      * average[]
   It determines and assigns the letter grades based on the
   average scores of each student, and stores the result in
   ********************************************************** */

void getLetterGrade(const double average[], char grades[])
   /* Variable: Name index (loop counter) */
   int namesIdx = 0;

   /* These ternary operators determine and assign the letter grades */
   for (namesIdx = 0; namesIdx < NUM_STUDENTS; namesIdx++)
     average[namesIdx] >= 90.0 && average[namesIdx] <= 100.0 ? grades[namesIdx] = 'A' :
     average[namesIdx] >= 80.0 && average[namesIdx] <= 89.9 ? grades[namesIdx] = 'B' :
        average[namesIdx] >= 70.0 && average[namesIdx] <= 79.9 ? grades[namesIdx] = 'C' :
     average[namesIdx] >= 60.0 && average[namesIdx] <= 69.9 ? grades[namesIdx] = 'D' :
     average[namesIdx] >= 0.0 && average[namesIdx] <= 59.9 ? grades[namesIdx] = 'F' :

/* **********************************************************
   Definition: displayResult

   This function accepts the following arrays as arguments:
      * studentNames[]
      * subjects[]
      * letterGrades[]
      * scores[][]
      * average[]
   It displays the test results and final letter grades for
   each student.
   ********************************************************** */

void displayResult(const string dNames[], const string dSubjects[],
                   const double dScores[][NUM_SCORES], const double dAverage[],
                   const char dLetterGrade[])
   /* Variable: Index of names, Index of scores (loop counter) */
   int namesIdx = 0,
       scoresIdx = 0;

   /* Display: Header*/
   cout << "\t\tISHIKAWA JHS 114 - STUDENT REPORT CARD\n\n"
        << "Student Name: " << "\t\t" << "Subject: " << "\t\t"
        << "Score:\n";

   /* Display: The scores, averages and letter grades of each student */
   for (namesIdx = 0; namesIdx < NUM_STUDENTS; namesIdx++)
      cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(1);

      cout << "\n-----------------------------------------------------\n"
           << setw(10) << left << dNames[namesIdx] << endl;

      for (scoresIdx = 0; scoresIdx < NUM_SCORES; scoresIdx++)
         cout << setw(28) << right << dSubjects[scoresIdx]
            << setw(25) << right << dScores[namesIdx][scoresIdx] << "\n";           

      for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
         cout << setw(54) << right << "------\n";

      cout << "Average: " << setw(44) << right << dAverage[namesIdx]
           << setw(10) << left;
      cout << "\n-----------------------------------------------------\n";
      cout << "Final Letter Grade: "
           << setw(8) << right << dLetterGrade[namesIdx] << "\n";

Example Output:

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