Monday, February 19, 2018

Programming Challenge 16.3 - Minimum/Maximum Templates

Example File: MinimumMaximum.cpp


#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;

#include <iomanip>
using std::left;
using std::setw;

/* **********************************************************
            template <class Maximum>
    Determines and returns the greater of the two values.
   ********************************************************** */

template <class Maximum>
Maximum greater(const Maximum &valOne, const Maximum &valTwo)
    if (valOne > valTwo)
        return valOne;
        return valTwo;

/* **********************************************************
            template <class Minimum>
    Determines and returns the smaller of the two values.
   ********************************************************** */

template <class Minimum>
Minimum smaller(const Minimum &valOne, const Minimum &valTwo)
    if (valOne < valTwo)
        return valOne;
        return valTwo;

void getMaximumVal();
void getMinimumVal();

int main()
    char tryAgain = ' ';

    cout << "MINIMUM / MAXIUM\n";
    cout << "Which value is greater, which is less?\n\n";


        cout << "Do you wish to try this again? ";
        cin >> tryAgain;

        while (toupper(tryAgain) != 'Y' && toupper(tryAgain) != 'N')
            cout << "Do you wish to try this again? ";
            cin >> tryAgain;
        cout << "\n";
    } while (toupper(tryAgain) != 'N');
    cout << "Thank you for trying this program. Have a nice day!\n";

   return 0;

/* **********************************************************
    Asks the user to enter two floating-point values, and two
    characters. These are passed to the template function and
    compared. The highest values are output to screen.
   ********************************************************** */

void getMaximumVal()
    double maxDouble = 0.0;
    double maxDoubleOne = 0.0;
    char   maxChar = ' ';
    char   maxCharOne = ' ';

    cout << "Enter two floating-point values: ";
    cin >> maxDouble >> maxDoubleOne;

    cout << "Enter two characters: ";
    cin >> maxChar >> maxCharOne;

    cout << setw(26) << left << "\nThe greater value is:   "
          << greater(maxDouble, maxDoubleOne) << "\n";

    cout << "The greater character is: "
          << greater(maxChar, maxCharOne) << "\n\n";

/* **********************************************************
    The user is asked to enter two integer values, and two
    characters. The values are passed to the template class
    function to determine the minimum value, which is then
    output to screen.
   ********************************************************** */

void getMinimumVal()
    int  minInt = 0;
    int  minIntOne = 0;
    char minChar = ' ';
    char minCharOne = ' ';

    cout << "Enter two integer values: ";
    cin >> minInt >> minIntOne;

    cout << "Enter two characters: ";
    cin >> minChar >> minCharOne;

    cout << setw(25) << left << "\nThe lesser value is: "
          << smaller(minInt, minIntOne) << "\n";

    cout << "The lesser character is: "
          << smaller(minChar, minCharOne) << "\n\n";

Example Output:

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