Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year - An Outlook

Dear visitors, fellow students, and those who happen to visit this person's humble blog for the first time: I wish all of you a Happy New Year! May it be a successful one!

On this occasion let me tell you a little about the goals for this year. On top of the list is finishing Starting Out with C++ 9/E. With 4 Programming Challenges to be solved and 7 chapters to go, the goal is to get done with it until summer.

The next goal is to (finally) dive into the wonderful world of (2D) game programming. For this task, the following books will be used, which I received as christmas presents:

Beginning C++ Game Programming - by John Horton.
SFML Game Development by Example - by Raimondas Pupius
Procedural Content Generation for C++ - by Dale Green
SFML Blueprints - by Maxime Barbier

Hopefully, if all goes as planned, the first game will follow. However humble it will turn out to be, I hope that it will bring a little joy into the lifes of many people, something that entertains children and adults alike.

Besides programming, there are hundreds of hours of music waiting to listen to (this is an easy goal, as I always listen to good music to keep the good spirits up, currently it is mainly Yo-Yo Ma), about 56 books to be read, (the first book being "The Brothers Karamazov"), and getting back into 3D-design, starting and finishing a scene every month, (or in less time than that). This should be enough for this year to keep this person busy. 

And with this, it is back to the IDE, to solve the remaining Programming Challenges of this chapter. I wish my visitors and fellow students that you be able to achieve all goals you have set for yourself this year, and that you will come by from time to time, to see whatever little progress this person has made in an attempt to move past the beginning stages of programming in C++.

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