Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Programming Challenge 13.7 - TestScores Class

Example Files: TestScoresClass.h


/* TestScoreClass.h - Specification file for the TestScoreClass class. */


class TestScore
        int scoreOne;        // Score one
        int scoreTwo;        // Score two
        int scoreThree;    // Score three   
        double average;    // Average score

        TestScore()            // Default constructor
            scoreOne = 0;
            scoreTwo = 0;
            scoreThree = 0;
            average = 0.0;

        // Mutators
        void setScores(int scO, int scT, int scTh)
                scoreOne = scO;
                scoreTwo = scT;
                scoreThree = scTh;

        void setAverage()
            average = (scoreOne + scoreTwo + scoreThree) / 3.0;   

        // Accessors
        int getScoreOne() const
        { return scoreOne; }

        int getScoreTwo() const
        { return scoreTwo; }

        int getScoreThree() const
        { return scoreThree; }

        double getAverage() const
        { return average; }


/* TestScoreClass.cpp - This program demonstrates the TestScoreClass class. */

#include "TestScoresClass.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::setw;
using std::setprecision;
using std::showpoint;
using std::fixed;

void getScores(TestScore &);
void display(const TestScore);

int main()
    TestScore scores;

    cout << "AVERAGE TEST SCORE DEMO\n\n"
          << "Enter three test scores and I will calculate the average for you\n\n";


    cout << "\n\nThank you for trying this demo! Have a nice day.";
    return 0;

/* **********************************************************
    getScores (accepts a reference to a TestScore object)
    The user is asked to enter three test scores. The scores
    are stored in the appropriate TestScore object member
   ********************************************************** */

void getScores(TestScore &scores)
    int scoreO = 0;
    int scoreT = 0;
    int scoreTh = 0;

    cout << "Score 1: ";
    cin >> scoreO;

    while (scoreO < 1 || scoreO > 100)
        cout << "Score 1: ";
        cin >> scoreO;

    cout << "Score 2: ";
    cin >> scoreT;

    while (scoreT < 1 || scoreT > 100)
        cout << "Score 2: ";
        cin >> scoreT;

    cout << "Score 3: ";
    cin >> scoreTh;

    while (scoreTh < 1 || scoreTh > 100)
        cout << "Score 3: ";
        cin >> scoreTh;

    scores.setScores(scoreO, scoreT, scoreTh);

/* **********************************************************
    display (accepts a const TestScore object)
    This function displays the test scores and the average.
   ********************************************************** */

void display(const TestScore scores)
    cout << "\nThese are your test scores:\n\n";
    cout << "Score 1: " << scores.getScoreOne()   << "\n"
          << "Score 2: " << scores.getScoreTwo()   << "\n"
          << "Score 3: " << scores.getScoreThree() << "\n";

    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
    cout << "\nYou reached an average score of: " << scores.getAverage() << "%";

Example Output:

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