/* Soccer Scores - This program stores the following data about a soccer
player in a structure:
* Player's Name
* Player's Number
* Points Scored by Player
The program keeps an array of 12 of these structures. Each element is
for a different player on a team. When the program runs, it asks the
user to enter the data for each player. It then shows a table that lists
each player's number, name and points scored. The program calculates and
displays the total points earned by the team. The number and name of the
player who has earned the most points is also displayed.
Input Validation: No negative values for player's numbers or points scored
are accepted. */
#include "Utility.h"
struct TeamData
string playerName; /* Player's name */
int tricotNumber; /* Player's tricot number */
int pointsScored; /* Player's points */
struct SeasonData
string topPlayer; /* Top player's name */
int highscore; /* The highest score achieved by a player */
int totalPoints; /* Total points scored by the whole team */
int topPlayerNum; /* Top player's tricot number */
void initStructure(TeamData [], const int);
void getPlayerData(TeamData [], const int);
bool validateInput(TeamData [], const int);
void getTopPlayer(TeamData [], SeasonData &, const int);
void getTotalScore(TeamData [], SeasonData &, const int);
void displayTeamData(const TeamData [], const SeasonData &, const int);
int main()
const int NUM_PLAYERS = 12;
/* Array of structures */
TeamData team[NUM_PLAYERS];
/* SeasonData Structure */
SeasonData players = { "\0", 0, 0, 0 };
initStructure(team, NUM_PLAYERS);
getPlayerData(team, NUM_PLAYERS);
getTopPlayer(team, players, NUM_PLAYERS);
getTotalScore(team, players, NUM_PLAYERS);
displayTeamData(team, players, NUM_PLAYERS);
return 0;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: initStructure
This function accepts an array of structures as parameter.
It initializes all members of the structure to default
********************************************************** */
void initStructure(TeamData pData[], const int NUM_PLAYERS)
for (int index = 0; index < NUM_PLAYERS; index++)
pData[index].playerName = "\0";
pData[index].tricotNumber = 0;
pData[index].pointsScored = 0;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: getPlayerData
This function accepts an array of structures as parameter.
The user is asked to enter data for twelve players of a
soccer team. This data is stored in the appropriate member
variables of the structure.
********************************************************** */
void getPlayerData(TeamData pData[], const int NUM_PLAYERS)
bool valid = false;
cout << "\n\tF.C. TOKYO - PLAYER STATISTICS\n\n";
for (int index = 0; index < NUM_PLAYERS; index++)
cout << "\n\tEnter the name of Player # "
<< (index + 1) << ": ";
getline(cin, pData[index].playerName);
cout << "\tEnter " << pData[index].playerName
<< "'s tricot number: ";
cin >> pData[index].tricotNumber;
valid = validateInput(pData, index);
cout << "\tEnter " << pData[index].playerName
<< "'s points scored: ";
cin >> pData[index].pointsScored;
valid = validateInput(pData, index);
/* **********************************************************
Definition: validateInput
This function accepts an array of structures as argument.
It validates the input.
********************************************************** */
bool validateInput(TeamData pData[], const int index)
bool valid = false;
while (pData[index].tricotNumber < 0)
cout << "\n\tPlease enter a valid tricot number.\n\n"
<< "\tEnter " << pData[index].playerName
<< "'s tricot number: ";
cin >> pData[index].tricotNumber;
while (pData[index].pointsScored < 0)
cout << "\n\tPlease enter a valid score.\n\n"
<< "\tEnter " << pData[index].playerName
<< "'s points scored: ";
cin >> pData[index].pointsScored;
return valid;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: getTopPlayer
This function accepts an array of structures, as well as a
structure reference variable as parameters. It determines
the highest score achieved by a player. The score, name
and tricot-number of this player is stored in the member
variables of the SeasonData structure.
********************************************************** */
void getTopPlayer(TeamData pData[], SeasonData &players,
const int NUM_PLAYERS)
players.highscore = pData[0].pointsScored;
for (int index = 0; index < NUM_PLAYERS; index++)
if (pData[index].pointsScored >= players.highscore)
players.highscore = pData[index].pointsScored;
players.topPlayer = pData[index].playerName;
players.topPlayerNum = pData[index].tricotNumber;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: getTotalScore
This function accepts an array of structures, as well as a
structure reference variable as parameters. It calculates
and stores the total score achieved during the season.
********************************************************** */
void getTotalScore(TeamData pData[], SeasonData &players,
const int NUM_PLAYERS)
for (int index = 0; index < NUM_PLAYERS; index++)
players.totalPoints += pData[index].pointsScored;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: displayData
This function accepts an array of structures, as well as a
structure reference variable as parameters. It displays:
* The player's names
* The player's numbers
* The player's scores
* The player's name who achieved the highest score
* The player's tricot-number
* The player's score
********************************************************** */
void displayTeamData(const TeamData pData[], const SeasonData &players,
const int NUM_PLAYERS)
cout << "\n\n\n\tF.C. TOKYO - SEASON RESULTS\n\n\n\t";
cout << setw(17) << left << "PLAYER NAME"
<< setw(13) << right << "PLAYER NUMBER"
<< setw(16) << right << "PLAYER SCORE" << "\n\t";
cout << setw(47) << setfill('-') << "\n" << setfill(' ');
for (int index = 0; index < NUM_PLAYERS; index++)
cout << "\t";
cout << setw(17) << left << pData[index].playerName
<< setw(13) << right << pData[index].tricotNumber
<< setw(12) << right << pData[index].pointsScored << " pts\n";
cout << "\t" << setw(47) << setfill('-')
<< "\n" << setfill(' ');
cout << "\tOverall Team Score " << setw(23) << right
<< players.totalPoints << " pts\n";
cout << "\n\n\tTOP PLAYER\n\t";
cout << setw(47) << setfill('-') << "\n" << setfill(' ') << "\t";
cout << setw(17) << left << players.topPlayer
<< setw(13) << right << players.topPlayerNum
<< setw(12) << right << players.highscore << " pts";
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Programming Challenge 11.6 - Soccer Scores
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