/* Average Number Of Letters - This program is a modification of
Programming Challenge 10.3 It displays the average number of
letters in each word. */
#include "Utility.h"
/* Counts the letters and words contained in the string, returns
the number of words*/
int countWords(char *, double &);
/* Overloaded function: Counts the letters and words in the string
class object, returns the number of words */
int countWords(string, double &);
int main()
const int NUM_WORDS = 501;
int numWords = 0;
double letterCount = 0.0,
ctrlLetters = 0.0,
average = 0.0;
char sentence[NUM_WORDS];
string ctrlSentence = " ";
<< "\tEnter a sentence, " << (NUM_WORDS - 1)
<< " characters in length:\n\t";
cin.getline(sentence, NUM_WORDS);
cout << "\n\tYour sentence contains: "
<< (numWords = countWords(sentence, letterCount))
<< " words.";
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << "\n\tThe average number of characters is: "
<< (average = letterCount / numWords - 1) << "\n";
cout << "\n\tEnter another sentence:\n\t";
getline(cin, ctrlSentence);
cout << "\n\tThis sentence contains: "
<< (numWords = countWords(ctrlSentence, ctrlLetters))
<< " words.";
cout << "\n\tThe average number of characters is: "
<< (average = ctrlLetters / numWords);
return 0;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: countWords
This function accepts a pointer to a C-string as argument.
It determines the number of letters and stores this value
in letterCount. It also counts the words contained in the
sentence passed to the function and returns this number.
********************************************************** */
int countWords(char *wordPtr, double &letterCount)
int wordCount = 0;
char delimList[] = "\" ´-.()*=_!?~<<>>:,\t\n";
char *next_word = NULL;
double avg = 0.0;
unsigned int count = 0;
/* Get the letter count */
while (count != strlen(wordPtr + 1))
if (!isascii(*wordPtr) && *delimList)
wordPtr = strtok_s(wordPtr, delimList, &next_word);
while (wordPtr != NULL)
if (wordPtr != NULL)
wordPtr = strtok_s(NULL, delimList, &next_word);
return wordCount;
/* **********************************************************
Definition: countWords
This overloaded function accepts a string class object as
argument. It counts the letters, the value is stored in
letterCount. It also counts the number of words, which
number is returned from the function.
********************************************************** */
int countWords(string ctrlString, double &letterCount)
size_t wordCount = 0,
numDelims = 0,
count = 0;
bool isDelim = true;
for (size_t index = 0; index < ctrlString.length(); ++index)
/* If a delimiter or whitespace is found, numDelim increments,
and isDelim(iter) gets true. Else a word is found, and
wordCount increments. */
if (isspace(ctrlString[index]) || ispunct(ctrlString[index]))
isDelim = true;
else if (isDelim && !ispunct(ctrlString[index + 1]))
isDelim = false;
/* Counts the number of letters */
while (count < ctrlString.length())
if (isalpha(ctrlString[count]))
return wordCount;
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Programming Challenge 10.4 - Average Number Of Letters
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